In recent years, an increasing number of national guidelines on the treatment of phenylketonuria (PKU) have emerged. Most of these guidelines are dedicated to the care of children, while less attention is paid to the care of adults, although all guidelines underline the importance of diet for life. This review aims to summarize issues that need to be addressed within a guideline on the treatment of PKU, especially when care for patients beyond childhood is concerned. In this respect, it is of importance that adult patients, both willing and unwilling to be treated, need a guideline for care and follow-up. In PKU there is certainly a need for an improved unified guideline, especially after childhood, although many of the considerations in this article also apply to recommendations for treatment of children. Such a guideline will be a tool to improve treatment in PKU patients but should also include recommendations for collecting data for clinical and research purposes. Guideline development should also focus on nutritional, neuropsychological and psychosocial issues and not only on target plasma phenylalanine concentrations. In addition, guidelines must address not only what has to be done but also how it can be done, thereby improving concordance with the recommendations for treatment and management.
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Communicating editor: Michael Gibson
Competing interests: F. J. van Spronsen is chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Dutch PKU Society, chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Society of PKU and Allied Disorders, member of the European Advisory Committee on Tetrahydrobiopterin of Merck-Serono, chair of the International Working Group on Large Neutral Amino Acids supported by SHS/Milupa, and chair of the International Working Group on diet for life supported by SHS/Milupa.
References to electronic databases: Phenylketonuria: OMIM 261600.
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van Spronsen, F.J., Burgard, P. The truth of treating patients with phenylketonuria after childhood: The need for a new guideline. J Inherit Metab Dis 31, 673–679 (2008).
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