Correction to: Biodiversity and Conservation

In the original article, Fig. 3 caption was published as,

Analysis of the effect of time and temperature on bumblebee active fight period for the citizen-collected data covering all of Sweden 2000–2019. a Predicted values of the interaction between year and species, and b temperature and species. The infill graph shows that mean spring temperature has increased in Sweden for the last 20 years (sum sq = 33.04, df = 1, F value = 64.19, p value e < 0.001)

It must be published as

Figure 3

Analysis of the effect of time and temperature on bumblebee active fight period for the citizen-collected data covering all of Sweden 2000–2019. a Predicted values of the interaction between temperature and species, and b year and species. The infill graph shows that mean spring temperature has increased in Sweden for the last 20 years (sum sq = 33.04, df = 1, F value = 64.19, p value e < 0.001)

In original article, the text in discussion was published as,

This is likely due to the fact that the latter datasets is more recent, while museum records span periods where species were on average observed later in the season.

It must be published as,

This is likely due to the fact that the former dataset is more recent, while museum records span periods where species were on average observed later in the season

The original online version of this article was revised.