Monitoring is an indispensable tool for assessment of the state of species both locally and globally. The monitoring of bryophyte species has started quite recently and there is need for uniform methods that can be applied in different countries to get comparable results to give a basis for more effective species conservation. Here we present three general monitoring methods that are suitable for all European bryophytes. The method of permanent squares is used for long-lived species inhabiting stable communities on the ground or large rocks. The method of counting separated substrate units is used for species inhabiting tree trunks, boulders or large pieces of decaying wood. The method of sampling is used for short-lived species in unstable communities and for species that are difficult to identify with a hand-lens. The selection of species and sites to be monitored is discussed. Assessment of the current conservational state of the species depends on the state of habitats at monitoring plots that are defined through character and rate of threats, and change of population size compared with previous and first monitoring events. The three monitoring methods are illustrated with examples based on Estonian monitoring experiences. Suggestions of monitoring methods for bryophyte species belonging to the EU Habitat Directive are given.
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The study has been supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence EcolChange), the Estonian Environment Agency, the Estonian Research Council (Projects IUT20-29 and IUT34-7), and State programme KOGUD for botanical collections of the Natural History Museum of the University of Tartu. We are grateful to R.G.O. Burton (Environmental Consultant, Cambridge) for the language correction and to the reviewers for valuable comments.
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Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K. Methods for monitoring threatened bryophytes. Biodivers Conserv 26, 3275–3287 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-017-1405-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-017-1405-x