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I am honored to have been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the Biochemical Genetics as of December 1, 2015, and I am very excited to be involved with Biochemical Genetics—a journal that values the work done in this research area. I would like to share with you my mission and vision regarding the journal and offer important information for prospective authors. I am looking forward to working with our Editorial Board, our referees and authors, and the Springer staff to ensure the journal’s continuing development and success. I am positive that the quality of this journal will continue to improve to better serve the needs of the community related to plant, animal, and human biochemical genetics. My main mission is to publish papers presenting innovative, paradigm-shifting research that deserves broad attention in the field of biochemical genetics. My vision for the next phase of Biochemical Genetics is to continue providing a journal that is user-friendly and responsive to contributors. We are keen to keep our roster of contributing authors, who make the journal lively and relevant. Going forward, we plan to expand the number of papers per issue and to publish quality review and method papers.

In the past, I have served on several other editorial boards of international journals. I intend to continue in this vein and hope to raise the scientific prestige and appeal of Biochemical Genetics. This will be achieved through a close collaboration with the Editorial Board members, a greater focus on the biochemical genetics of plants, animals, and humans, and a special emphasis on emerging technologies. Starting in 2016, I would like to make Biochemical Genetics more attractive for both authors and readers by publishing more papers per issue and by focusing more closely on original papers that address significant problems in the biochemical genetics of plants, animals, and humans. Papers presenting results of significant interest to the majority of the readers will be given preference over narrowly specialized research. The journal will also apply higher standards for accepting papers.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank the previous Editors-in-Chief for their efforts. We welcome your submissions as well as any ideas and comments you may have regarding Biochemical Genetics.