We study the major MW = 7.0, 30 October 2020, Samos earthquake and its aftershocks, by calculating improved locations using differential travel times and waveform cross-correlations. We image the rupture of the mainshock using local strong motion data, and we examine the Coulomb stress evolution prior to the mainshock, as well as the coseismic stress changes. Lastly, we estimate the produced shaking using all the available information from strong motion data and testimonies. Earthquake relocations reveal the activation of the E-W oriented Kaystrios fault, in the North basin of Samos with a possible extension to the West. The kinematic rupture inversion suggests non-uniform bilateral rupture on a ∼60 km × ∼20 km fault area, with the main rupture propagating towards the West and maximum slip up to approximately 2.5 m. Improved locations of the aftershock sequence are anti-correlated with areas of maximum slip on the fault surface. Similarly, the Coulomb stress change calculations show that only off-fault earthquake clusters are located within lobes of increasing positive static stress changes. This observation is consistent with assuming a fault area of either uniform slip, or variable slip according to the obtained slip model. Both scenarios indicate typical stress patterns for a normal fault with E-W orientation, with stress lobes of positive ∆CFF increments expanding in E-W orientation. In the case of the variable slip model, both negative and positive stress changes show slightly larger values compared to the uniform slip model. Finally, Modified Mercalli Intensities based on the fault model obtained in this study indicate maximum intensity (VII +) along the northern coast of Samos Ιsland. Spectral acceleration values at 0.3 s period also demonstrate the damaging situation at Izmir.
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The authors wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions which helped to improve the manuscript. The authors gratefully acknowledge the availability of seismograms from IRIS, ORFEUS, and National Data Centres. This research was supported by the ARISTOTLEeENHSP (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Trans-boundary hoListic Early-warning—enhanced European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) Project (Contract ECHO/SER/2020/830887+830888). Stress tensors were calculated based on the Dis3D code (Erickson, 1987) and Coulomb 3.4 software (Toda et al., 2011). Waveform data access and processing was carried out using ObsPy (Beyreuther et al., 2010). USGS ShakeMap4 (Worden, 2016) was used to compute shaking. Figures were built using the Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel et al., 2013), QGIS (QGIS Development Team, 2021), and the Matplotlib python library (Hunter, 2007).
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Lentas, K., Gkarlaouni, C.G., Kalligeris, N. et al. The 30 October 2020, MW = 7.0, Samos earthquake: aftershock relocation, slip model, Coulomb stress evolution and estimation of shaking. Bull Earthquake Eng 20, 819–851 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01260-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01260-4