A rapid estimate of the damage state of a building after an earthquake event is of crucial importance, having the potential to minimise casualties and mitigate costs associated with structural damage and economic downtime. Visually determining the damage state accurately is often difficult, and so instrumentation can be installed to estimate the extent and locations of damage. However, the current minimum requirements of industry standard instrumentation layouts have thus far proven to be inadequate in providing sufficient information about the health of a structure after an extreme event. This paper investigates a simple, computationally inexpensive method for determining the interstory drift of all floors of a high-rise building using minimal instrumentation. The methodology proposed is applied to the Atwood building, a 20-story structure located in a highly seismic region of Anchorage, Alaska, that has been fitted with an extensive seismic monitoring system. The simulated results are shown to provide comparable results of displacement profile of a structure over time with respect to the elastic performance of the building. Importantly, the displacement profile allows a direct calculation of interstory drift, which can indicate the location and damage state of the building.
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Data availability
The observed and simulated dataset from the numerical research investigation undertaken in this paper can be downloaded from the publicly accessible platform Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4626317. The structure of the data folders is described in the report ‘Data_organisation_Hoult_2021.pdf’, also available for download. The following data is provided: (1) Pre-event low-amplitude vibration data (Table 1), (2) Post-event low- low-amplitude vibration data (Table 3), (3) MW 7.1 Atwood Building data, (4) MATLAB program for calculating Fourier amplitude with frequency for operating natural frequencies for pre- and post-event recordings, and (5) main MATLAB program for calculating the simulated displacement and interstory drift with time. The acceleration-time history files used in this research were obtained from the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Program (http://www.nees.ucsb.edu/data-portal) and the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data (www.strongmotioncenter.org). The availability of this dataset readily allows transparency of the data and files that were used to compile the results in this paper. Furthermore, the dataset also allows reproducibility studies to be conducted with some ease. The dataset also allows greater opportunities for sharing and reusing the research data produced from this investigation, which may help future studies focusing on similar topics.
Availability of data and material
The data used to produce the material presented in this research paper is readily available in the publicly accessible platform Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4626317. A separate section, “DATA AVAILABILITY”, at the end of this paper acknowledges the availability of this dataset. The dataset allows transparency of the data and files that were used to compile the results in this paper.
This method processed multiple acceleration time history data of the Atwood Building and computed displacements of the building in a total of 93.97 s using a computer with the following system: Windows 10 64-bit Operating System, Intel Core i7 CPU, RAM 16.0 GB.
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The author would like to thank Serena van Nimwegen for her thoughtful comments, which led to additional improvements to the article.
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Hoult, R. A computationally-effective method for rapidly determining the seismic structural response of high-rise buildings with a limited number of sensors. Bull Earthquake Eng 20, 4395–4417 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01171-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-021-01171-4