This paper focuses on the evaluation of the seismic performance of Cerere, the central sculpture of Bartolomeo Ammannati’s Juno Fountain, currently located in Florence, at the Museum of Bargello. A 3D geometrical model based on a laser scanner survey has been obtained and employed to build the finite element model (FEM) used in the analyses. The seismic response of the sculpture has been checked by performing different dynamic analyses, applying three three-dimensional spectrum-compatible ground motions, and using different computer codes and assumptions. The considered numerical models differ from each other regarding the material behavior (linear and non-linear) and the connection between the statue and its pedestal. The obtained results reveal that this latter assumption affects very much the dynamic response of the system. The role played by the possible assumptions regarding the number of components constituting the seismic input and the amount of friction between the pedestal and the statue are also discussed.
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This research belongs to the project “RESIMUS: la valutazione della resilienza e del rischio in un caso di rilevanza internazionale: il Museo del Bargello a Firenze”, supported by “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze”.
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Viti, S., Pintucchi, B., Rotunno, T. et al. The seismic analysis of Cerere at the Museum of Bargello. Bull Earthquake Eng 18, 2635–2656 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-020-00802-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-020-00802-6