Average spectral acceleration, AvgSA, is defined as the geometric mean of spectral acceleration values over a range of periods and it is a ground motion intensity measure used for structural response prediction. One of its advantages stands on the assumption that its distribution is computable from the available GMPEs for spectral acceleration, GMPE-SA, (called here indirect method) without the need for deriving new specific GMPEs for AvgSA, GMPE-AvgSA, (called here direct method). To what extent this assumption is valid, however, has never been verified. As such, we derived an empirical GMPE-AvgSA based on RESORCE ground motion dataset and we compared its predicted values with those from a GMPE-SA via the indirect approach. As expected, the results show that the indirect approach yields median AvgSA estimates that are identical to those of the direct approach. However, the estimates of AvgSA variance of the two methods are identical only if both the GMPE-SA and their empirical correlation coefficients among different SA ordinates are derived from the same record dataset.
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The authors would like to thank Dr. Dino Bindi for kindly sharing the GMPE R-code used in this study. Useful comments and careful reviews of the paper by Prof. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos, Prof. Fabrice Cotton and two anonymous reviewers are greatly appreciated.
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Kohrangi, M., Kotha, S.R. & Bazzurro, P. Ground-motion models for average spectral acceleration in a period range: direct and indirect methods. Bull Earthquake Eng 16, 45–65 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-017-0216-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-017-0216-5