Performance-based design offers a number of advantages over historically common design approaches. As currently practiced, performance is most commonly evaluated in terms of system response, typically displacement-related, using traditional ground motion intensity measures defined at two or more discrete hazard levels. Such approaches do not necessarily allow all of the potential benefits of performance-based design to be realized. More recently, integral performance-based procedures that account for ground shaking hazards at all hazard levels have been developed. This paper reviews basic concepts of performance and different approaches to the implementation of performance-based design. An load and resistance factor-like methodology is described and illustrated with an example.
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My interest in and understanding of performance-based concepts has grown out of my affiliation with the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. The LRFD- and pile foundation-related work described in this paper has been supported by the California Department of Transportation and the Washington State Department of Transportation. I would like to acknowledge the support and contributions of Tom Shantz of Caltrans, Tony Allen of WSDOT, Carlos Valdez and Ben Blanchette of Hart Crowser, HyungSuk Shin of Kleinfelder, and Jack Baker of Stanford University.
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Kramer, S.L. Performance-based design methodologies for geotechnical earthquake engineering. Bull Earthquake Eng 12, 1049–1070 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-013-9484-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-013-9484-x