The so called “valley effect” relates to the typical seismic response of basin shaped bedrock filled by quaternary sediments. It is an aspect of the renown “local seismic effect” that shall be taken into account when dealing with microzoning studies. Several experimental surveys and numerical simulations performed worldwide over the last 40 years, confirmed that valley responses under seismic excitations show common features in various geological contexts as far as the sedimentary valleys (e.g. alluvial and lacustrine plains), the intermountain valleys (e.g. alpine valleys) and graben shaped basins. Such features mainly depend on the basin geometry, referred to as the shape ratio SR, and the sediment and basin impedance contrast IC. Although researchers agree on the prominent role of local seismic effects for interpreting erratic damages caused by seismic shaking in urbanized areas, no fully shared strategies have been identified for taking into account valley effect within microzoning studies. In this paper, a numerical simulations on three models of trapezoidal shaped basins have been performed. These valley models relate to sediments and basins detected within the Tuscany Region territory during the VEL project. Results, in terms of the amplification index \(\text{ F }_{\mathrm{A}}\) have been provided. Three “valley effect charts” for various SR and IC values have been propose for taking into account the local seismic effects due to the basin amplifications within microzoning maps.
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Vessia, G., Russo, S. Relevant features of the valley seismic response: the case study of Tuscan Northern Apennine sector. Bull Earthquake Eng 11, 1633–1660 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-013-9456-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-013-9456-1