The presence of peats and high compressibility inorganic clays within alluvial fills on the left-side tributaries of the Tiber River, close to Rome’s historic center in Italy, is well documented in literature. Nevertheless, few literature data exist until now on the dynamic properties of these deposits by undisturbed bore-hole samples. The Galba test-site was set up to characterise dynamic properties of the alluvial deposits by using lab-tests as well as to derive velocity profiles by seismic noise measurements. These were performed in the Giustiniano Imperatore area located in the Grottaperfetta valley, about 2 km south of Rome’s historic centre. The alluvial deposits filled a paleovalley excavated in the bedrock during the Würm glacial (18–20 ky). The stratigraphic setting of the alluvial body was reconstructed along three geological cross-sections by means of the available logs; seven lithotecnical horizons can be distinguished within the alluvial body, some tens of meters thick, based on both log-stratigraphic data and in-site geotechnical tests. These horizons include peaty layers (T) and high compressibility inorganic clays (AGI), which characterise the alluvial deposits in the Grottaperfetta valley. They do not have direct correlation with the alluvial horizons which constitute the alluvial body of the main Tiber valley in Rome’s historical centre. These alluvial horizons which are distinguished and characterised at the Galba test-site can be regarded as typical of other lateral valleys of the Tiber River in Southern Rome. They are characterised by the presence of similar high compressibility clayey deposits as well as peaty layers up to some meters thick. Undisturbed samples were also obtained at the Galba test-site for dynamic testing via resonant column and cyclic torsional shear tests. In order to attribute dynamic properties to the alluvial body at the Grottaperfetta valley, an extrapolation process was performed based on a detailed engineering-geology model of the alluvial body which was reconstructed along three transversal geological sections of the valley using bore-hole data. Three subsoil profiles, considered representative of the geological setting along the three reconstructed transversal cross sections, were analysed by seismic noise measurements performed specifically to derive S-waves velocity profiles. The results obtained show a very low velocity (<180 m/s) for the layers T and AGI. 1D modelling of seismic shaking was performed by the code Shake91, in order to evaluate the influence of the low-velocity strata on maximum shear strains induced within the alluvial deposits under the maximum expected seismic action. The results of the numerical modelling indicate that the AGI and the T layers play a key role in: (i) concentrating the maximum shear strain along the subsoil profiles, even though the volumetric threshold is never exceeded; (ii) increasing the maximum shear strain along the subsoil profiles; (iii) causing the resonance frequency of the alluvial fill to assume an almost constant value (about 1Hz) which is quite similar to that measured in the main Tiber River valley, despite a significant change in thickness of the alluvial body along the Grottaperfetta valley.
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Caserta, A., Martino, S., Bozzano, F. et al. Dynamic properties of low velocity alluvial deposits influencing seismically-induced shear strains: the Grottaperfetta valley test-site (Rome, Italy). Bull Earthquake Eng 10, 1133–1162 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-012-9349-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-012-9349-8