The vulnerability index method, in its version developed in the framework of the European project Risk-UE, has been adapted and applied in this article, to evaluate the seismic risk for the city of Barcelona (Spain) through a GIS based tool. According to this method, which defines five damage states, the action is expressed in terms of the macroseismic intensity and the seismic quality of the buildings by means of a vulnerability index. The probabilities of damage states are obtained considering a binomial or beta-equivalent probability distribution. The most relevant seismic risk evaluation results obtained, for current buildings and monuments of Barcelona, are given in the article as scenarios of expected losses.
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Lantada, N., Irizarry, J., Barbat, A.H. et al. Seismic hazard and risk scenarios for Barcelona, Spain, using the Risk-UE vulnerability index method. Bull Earthquake Eng 8, 201–229 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-009-9148-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-009-9148-z