A field reconnaissance mission was led to the areas affected by the disaster caused by the Magnitude 7.9 earthquake event of 15/08/2007 near the city of Pisco in Peru. The main objectives of the mission were to collect data and make observations leading to improvements in design methods and techniques for strengthening and retrofit, and to assist the phase of reconstruction. The mission focused on the behaviour of non-engineered structures, in particular those of adobe constructions. The findings of the mission confirmed that most of the damage was observed on adobe houses constructed with traditional non anti-seismic techniques which either collapsed or nearly collapsed, causing 519 deaths, 1,366 injuries and more than 58,000 houses destroyed. The mission also confirmed that buildings constructed according to modern earthquake resistant design standards performed with no evident damage. All the parties contacted during the mission, especially the EC Delegation, showed particular interest in the results of the present mission report, which will be taken into consideration when planning the reconstruction phase, especially of the most distant rural areas, where close collaboration between the Governmental Institutions, International Organizations, Universities and NGO’s, will be needed to assist the population for the adoption of earthquake resistant designs in the reconstruction of the destroyed houses.
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Taucer, F., Alarcon, J.E. & So, E. 2007 August 15 magnitude 7.9 earthquake near the coast of Central Peru: analysis and field mission report. Bull Earthquake Eng 7, 1–70 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-008-9092-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-008-9092-3