This paper presents two numerical case studies of medium and strong motion events, namely Loma-Prieta 1989 and Hyogoken-Nambu (Kobe) 1995. These simulations were performed using CyberQuake model. The cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model is fully detailed in the companion paper. Through these case studies, we demonstrate the importance of using appropriate constitutive modelling when the part played by nonlinear phenomena is preponderant. The need to account for 3D kinematics (i.e. the three components of the input motion), is also demonstrated, even though a 1D geometry is considered, as the plastic coupling existing between components of motion during the earthquake, strongly affects the seismic soil response.
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Foerster, E., Modaressi, H. Nonlinear numerical method for earthquake site response analysis II — case studies. Bull Earthquake Eng 5, 325–345 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-007-9034-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-007-9034-5