This paper, along with its companion paper, presents the importance of the adequate soil behaviour model to simulate earthquake site response analysis. An elastoplastic model taking into account the elementary necessary plastic mechanisms such as progressive friction mobilization, Coulomb type failure, critical state and dilatancy/contractance flow rule, is used. However, one of the obstacles in the use of elastoplastic models in the everyday design processes for evaluation of the seismic soil response is the difficulty in identifying their parameters. In this paper, a methodology to identify a coherent set of parameters of the elastoplastic model for a given type of soil is presented. The strategy behind the decision making process proposed here is based on the use of minimum physical and easily measurable properties of the soil to directly provide or indirectly assess the required model parameters.
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Lopez-Caballero, F., Razavi, A.MF. & Modaressi, H. Nonlinear numerical method for earthquake site response analysis I — elastoplastic cyclic model and parameter identification strategy. Bull Earthquake Eng 5, 303–323 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-007-9032-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-007-9032-7