Adolescence and emerging adulthood are developmental phases in which the exploration of one's own sexuality takes on a high priority, which can increase the risk of risky sexual behavior. Due to technological advances, (non-consensual) sexting has increased among young people and has become an integral part of their sexual socialization. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to examine non-consensual sexting (both victimization and perpetration) among adolescents and emerging adults and to identify potential risk factors associated with non-consensual sexting using routine activity theory. The sample consisted of a total of 3514 adolescents aged 10–17 years (43% males; 57% females) and 3674 emerging adults aged 18–25 years (23% males; 77% females) from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The results showed that both male adolescents and emerging adults were at higher risk for experiencing non-consensual sexting victimization. Personal factors such as gender, age, social bond, and routine cell phone activity predicted the risk of becoming a victim of non-consensual sexting in adolescents. For emerging adults, gender, social connection to friends, and routine cell phone use predicted the risk of becoming a victim of non-consensual sexting. Relationship status and routine cell phone activity predicted the forwarding of other sexts for both age groups. According to international scientific research and the findings of this particular study, we can conclude that the study of personal factors and routine variables helps understand non-consensual sexting among youth but is also essential in planning educational resources and preventive activities.
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Data are available on reasonable request and on signature of a confidentiality agreement from author Arta Dodaj.
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We are grateful to the participants of study for their participation.
This research leading to these results received funding from Croatian Science Foundation under Grant Agreement No 3553.
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Arta Dodaj conceived the study, conducted the analysis, and took the lead on drafting the manuscript; Kristina Sesar participated in the design and coordination of the study and provided critical feedback on drafts; Krešimir Prijatelj conceived of the study; Sabina Mandić participated in the interpretation of the data and drafted the manuscript; Sanja Radić Bursać provided critical feedback on drafts. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Dodaj, A., Sesar, K., Prijatelj, K. et al. Risk Factors for Non-Consensual Sexting Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults: An Extension of the Routine Activity Theory Perspective. Arch Sex Behav 53, 2583–2596 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-024-02903-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-024-02903-8