Pornography and attitude change studies most often adopt a sexual scripting (SS) perspective. The moral incongruence (MI) perspective on pornography has gained prominence in recent years, however, and may lead to differential predictions from the SS approach. Specifically, a detailed reading of MI and SS papers reveals the potential for discrepant predictions about the effect of pornography on sexual permissiveness, one of the most studied outcomes in pornography research. From an SS perspective, pornography use increases sexual permissiveness, but the preexisting traditional sexual scripts of the religious lessen the magnitude of this effect. Alternatively, the MI perspective implies the possibility that religious persons become more opposed to permissive sexuality as a result of their pornography use, as a way to mitigate the cognitive dissonance they feel for engaging in a sexual behavior proscribed by their faith tradition. The present study explored these divergent possibilities using nationally representative U.S. data. Across four meta-samples and four indicators of sexual permissiveness, religious nonviewers of pornography were the least sexually permissive, followed by religious viewers, nonreligious nonviewers, and nonreligious viewers. These results were robust over time and maintained after adjusting for demographics. For theorizing about pornography, religiosity, and sexual permissiveness, these results suggest that an SS approach may be preferable to an MI approach. The importance of continued research using both the SS and MI perspectives is discussed, however, emphasizing that the present study extrapolated a potential prediction from MI rather than a formal postulate put forth by the model’s creators.
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Wright, P.J. Theoretically Suggested Divergent Predictions for Pornography Use, Religiosity, and Permissive Sexual Attitudes. Arch Sex Behav 51, 1281–1292 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02135-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02135-0