Despite a growing amount of literature on aging and sexual activity, there are still a limited number of studies that capture older people’s understanding of sexuality in later life. This study explored the meanings that older people ascribe to sexual activity and how these meanings relate to the continuation, the decline, and the complete cessation of sexual activity. Thirty in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with Czechs aged 50–75 years (13 men) who were recruited through a preventive cognitive health program offered at a hospital. The analysis was carried out with a grounded theory approach and the principles of consensual qualitative research. The study identified three dominant understandings of sexual activity in later life that emerged as a reflection of the aging process. The first was sexual activity within a relationship that represented proof of being with someone and where sexual inactivity was linked to the threat of loneliness. The second concerned sexual pleasure and its continuity in later life, while its loss gave room for affliction and the emergence of ageist beliefs. The third linked sexual activity with the connotations of self-identifying as young versus being self-perceived as really old. The study findings suggest that the understanding of sexual activity in later life is ambivalent. Its continuity is viewed as an instrument for mitigating the markers of getting old, while the threat of its decline may activate older people’s desire for asexual aging and negative views on aging.
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This study was supported research Grant No. 17-11384S provided by The Czech Science Foundation. We would like to thank Michael Ross, Steriani Elavsky, Lukas Blinka, and several anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
This study was funded by The Czech Science Foundation (No. 17-11384S).
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Ševčíková, A., Sedláková, T. The Role of Sexual Activity from the Perspective of Older Adults: A Qualitative Study. Arch Sex Behav 49, 969–981 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-01617-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-019-01617-6