Although health surveys on sexual issues during incarceration have shown that women report having engaged in sexual activities while in prison, studies on sexual functioning in female inmates have been largely dismissed. This study aimed to assess sexual functioning among incarcerated women and determine the psychometric and sociodemographic features that are possibly related to the risk of sexual dysfunction. This was a cross-sectional study conducted inside a penitentiary for women in São Paulo, Brazil. From June 2006 to June 2010, 315 inmates convicted of robbery or homicide were recruited. High risk of female sexual dysfunction (HRFSD) was measured using the Female Sexual Function Index and participants were also evaluated for alcohol and drug misuse, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, and psychosocial features. Descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression were utilized to analyze the data. Among the participants, 253 (80.32 %) met the criteria for HRFSD. Older age, total time of imprisonment, and depressive symptoms were related to a higher risk, while the status of being married, being Black, having sexual relations with other inmates, and receiving conjugal visits were associated with a lower risk. As only 110 (34.92 %) inmates admitted to having sexual relationships inside prison, we evaluated this sub-sample separately. For this sub-sample, 61 (55.45 %) women met the criteria for HRFSD and the main factors associated with this risk were total time of imprisonment and depressive symptoms. Incarcerated women are uniquely vulnerable because they often have histories of deprivation and violence stemming from multiple sources and experience considerable psychological symptoms as a consequence of imprisonment. With the affected population rarely receiving psychosocial management for sexual dysfunction, service delivery efforts should be intensified to target this high-risk population.
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I thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo—The State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), the Penitentiary Council and the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat of São Paulo state—Brazil. I want to thank Dr. Fernando Henrique Nadalini Mauá, Dr. Ricardo Frenkiel, and Dr. Renata Faustina dos Santos for their assistance during data collection.
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Baltieri, D.A. Psychosocial Pathways to Sexual Dysfunction Among Female Inmates. Arch Sex Behav 43, 1105–1114 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-013-0252-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-013-0252-4