Building on previous work that identified different types of orgasm in women (King, Belsky, Mah, & Binik, 2011), the goal of the present study was to extend such typological work and determine whether female orgasmic variability tracked potentially evolutionarily salient sexual partner characteristics (e.g., those displaying possible immune-system compatibility). A total of 265 females completed an Internet survey about their orgasmic experience—achieved either with partners or alone. For partnered orgasms, they also provided details of partner characteristics and sexual behaviors. Latent class analysis revealed two orgasm types which were meaningfully distinguishable in terms of sensations and location—either centered on the surface of genitalia or deep inside. Deep orgasms were associated with internal sensations consistent with proposed functions of female orgasm in terms of differential sperm insuck. Such orgasms were associated with partners who were perceived as considerate, dominant, with a noticeably attractive smell, and as providing firm penetration. However, some hypothesized reproductively significant partner characteristics were not differentially associated with deep orgasms (i.e., muscularity, aggression, masculinity). Results were discussed and future research directions outlined. In particular, it is suggested that sexual passion between partners is a non-accidental component of sexual functioning and that this has too frequently been missing in sex research involving humans. Direct physiological measures of the results of female orgasm need to be undertaken. Additionally, the intriguing phenomenon of female ejaculation deserves scientific attention.
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Author information
Authors and Affiliations
Corresponding author
Survey Questions and Possible Responses
Did you experience any internal sucking sensations? (1. None, 2. Weak, 3. Moderate, 4. Strong)
How clear was your thinking after orgasm? (1. Total loss of clarity, 2. Clear thought as normally experienced, 3. Clearer-than-normal thinking)
How relaxed did you feel following orgasm? (1.Very relaxed, 2. Somewhat relaxed, 3. Somewhat excited, 4.Very excited)
How relaxed did you feel prior to orgasm? (1.Very relaxed, 2. Somewhat relaxed, 3. Somewhat anxious, 4.Very anxious)
How localised was your orgasm? (1. Very localized, 2. Somewhat localized, 3. Whole body involved)
How noisy were you during orgasm? (1. Not/silent, 2. Somewhat noisy, 3. Very noisy)
Where was the orgasm centered? (On the surface of the genitals vs. Deep inside)
Did you experience any floating sensations following orgasm? (Yes/No)
Did you experience any apnoea (catching of breath) (Yes/No)
Did you experience any sense of loss of self following orgasm? (Yes/No)
Did you ejaculate during orgasm? (Yes/No)
Did you experience a sensation akin to a desire to urinate prior to orgasm? (Yes/No)
How long from the start of sexual intimacy did it take for orgasm to occur? (1. A few minutes, 2. More than a few minutes but less than 10, 3. More than 10 min but less than half an hour, 4. More than 30 but less than 60 min, 5. An hour or more)
Partner questions:
How aggressive was your partner’s behavior during sex? (1. Very tender, 2. Somewhat tender, 3. Somewhat aggressive, 4. Very aggressive)
How considerate was your partner’s behavior during sex? (1. Very selfish, 2. Somewhat selfish, 3. Somewhat considerate, 4. Very considerate)
How muscular was your sexual partner? (1. Not at all, 2. Not very muscular, 3. Somewhat muscular, 4. Very muscular)
How masculine would you describe your partner as being? (1. Very feminine, 2. Somewhat feminine, 3. Somewhat masculine, 4. Very masculine)
5) How attractive was your sexual partner’s smell? (1. Unattractive, 2. Neither attractive nor unattractive, 3. Attractive)
How dominant was your partner’s behavior during sex? (1.Very submissive, 2.Somewhat submissive, 3. Neither dominant nor submissive, 4. Somewhat dominant, 5. Very dominant)
How vigorous was penetration during intercourse—if any? (1.Very gentle, 2. Fairly gentle, 3.Fairly vigorous, 4.Very vigorous)
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King, R., Belsky, J. A Typological Approach to Testing the Evolutionary Functions of Human Female Orgasm. Arch Sex Behav 41, 1145–1160 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-012-0001-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-012-0001-0