Black men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) are at high risk for HIV infection and transmission. This study compared the sexual risk behaviors of Black MSMW who self-reported being HIV-positive with those who reported being HIV-negative and those who did not know their HIV status. Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used to recruit 1,154 Black MSM in Philadelphia and New York who completed an audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI). Of these men, 212 had engaged in anal sex with male partners and vaginal or anal sex with female partners in the past 3 months. A quarter (23.6%; n = 50) of MSMW self-reported testing positive for HIV at their last test, 59.4% (n = 126) reported testing negative for HIV at their last test, and 17.0% (n = 36) reported never having an HIV test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that HIV-positive MSMW were much less likely than HIV-negative men and never-tested men to have engaged in unprotected intercourse with main male and main female partners perceived to be HIV-negative or of unknown serostatus. However, HIV-positive men were equally as likely as HIV-negative men to have unprotected intercourse with non-main male and non-main female partners perceived as HIV-negative or of unknown serostatus. Our findings indicate that some HIV-positive MSMW engage in unprotected sex that places female and male partners at risk for HIV infection. However, MSMW who have never taken an HIV test, or who have not been recently tested, may be a greater source of HIV transmission to their female and male partners.
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This work is the result of a collaborative effort, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cooperative agreement #CCR321019. The authors would like to thank the investigators and staff at each of the funded sites, as well as members of participating community advisory boards and community-based organizations. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Lauby, J.L., Millett, G.A., LaPollo, A.B. et al. Sexual Risk Behaviors of HIV-Positive, HIV-Negative, and Serostatus-Unknown Black Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women. Arch Sex Behav 37, 708–719 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-008-9365-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-008-9365-6