Dear Readers,

I always regarded this journal as special to us aquatic geochemists as it is fully dedicated to our science. It is a great challenge to run such a journal and increase its impact. Here, I want first to acknowledge the outstanding work of George W. Luther that has secured and increased the impact of the journal while always maintaining the highest standards for the selection of papers in the journal.

The challenge for the new incoming Editor-in-Chief is huge since the present Editor-in-Chief, who will remain as Co-Editor-in-Chief, did such a great job. I believe that the focus of the journal should not change. The journal could, however, increase its audience by publishing a few more special issues on selected topics suggested by the Associate Editors or the readers themselves.

The topics could be revisiting key questions such as fate of organic matter in solution; geochemistry of strategic metal ions where basic knowledge is clearly missing for those elements and which will interest aquatic geochemists that would like to develop new tracers. Another great topic is weathering and how the concept of the critical zone changed our views on it and how we address now the key processes that drive erosion and transport in aquatic systems.

Like George, I would like to acknowledge the great work of my Associate Editor colleagues, “Merci” to Frank Millero, Fred Mackenzie, Bjorn Sundby, Bernhard Wehrli, and Caroline Slomp. New Associate Editors will join in soon as you will see on the cover and front page of our journal. I look forward to working with them and will try, as George did with all of us, to solicit them so they are productive and not overburdened.

I also encourage you to send us your suggestions to further support and to enhance the success of our journal. The low-temperature geochemistry community needs the journal as much as we need you to submit your great work.

All the best to all,

Marc F. Benedetti