In the context of model-driven development of database applications with UML, the (usually relational) database schema is obtained automatically from the application’s structural (class) UML model. Changes in requirements often lead to modifications of the application’s structural model. Such changes, in turn, have to be propagated to the underlying database schema. Very often, especially when the system is in production with a large volume of users’ live data, the data is considered to be valuable enough to be preserved through these changes. This paper describes an approach to cope with the problem of model evolution with the ultimate requirement to preserve the data stored in the database. The algorithm interactively determines differences between structural UML models before and after the changes and resolves those differences into transformations in the relational database domain.
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Communicated by Prof. Heinrich Hussmann.
Appendix 1
Table manipulation DMPs | |
createTable(tableDesc) | |
Contains a full description of the table that is to be created (name, columns, etc.). | |
renameTable(oldTableName, newTableName) | |
deleteTable(tableName) |
Column manipulation DMPs | |
addColumn(columnDesc) | |
Contains a full description of the column that is to be created. | |
renameColumn(TableName, oldColumnName, newColumnName) | |
deleteColumn(tableName, columnName) | |
modifyColumn(tableName, oldColumnDesc, newColumnDesc) | |
Handles column transformations like conversion and multiplicity change |
Constraint manipulation DMPs | |
addFKey(columnDesc, FKColumnDesc) | |
ColumnDesc and FKColumnDesc describe the column on which the constraint is created and the referenced column, respectively. | |
dropFKey(columnDesc) | |
Drops a foreign key defined on the column columnDesc |
Instance data manipulation DMPs | |
insertData(tableName, values) | |
Insert instances values into table named tabledName | |
deleteData(tableName, condition) | |
updateData(tableName, columnName, value, condition) | |
Updates instance data in the column named columnName of table named tableName to value if the condition is satisfied |
Appendix 2
This appendix contains the list of DMPs generated during resolving of the evolution step shown in Fig. 1. For the sake of clarity, we will use the element names from the UML model, as if assuming that functions tableName() and columnName() (used for name mapping between the UML model and the relational domain) simply return the input value. Note that the delete operations do not actually delete the database elements, but rename them, so they become invisible to the runtime OR mapper and the application. This way, the data can be restored if necessary.
dropFKey(Manager, assoc);
renameColumn(ContactPhone, phoneNum, number);
renameColumn(Employee, id, identification);
renameTable(Board, Committee);
insertData(assoc_Manager_Committee, Manager. assoc.values);
insertData(Cashier_register, Cashier.register.values);
deleteColumn(Employee, address);
deleteColumn(Cashier, register);
deleteColumn(Manager, assoc).
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Milovanovic, V., Milicev, D. An interactive tool for UML class model evolution in database applications. Softw Syst Model 14, 1273–1295 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-013-0378-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-013-0378-9