Correction: European Journal of Psychology of Education (2021) 37:293-320

The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error. In author’s personal details, middle names were not included in author Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen’s name, and the listed articles were therefore incorrect.

The text should be:

Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen, Center for Developmental & Applied Psychological Science (CeDAPS), Aalborg University,

Current themes: language impairment, working memory, executive function.

Knudsen, H. B. S., Pedersen, T. P., Engelbrekt, P., & Jensen de

López, K. (2019). Spirende voksne med risiko for at udvikle

komplicerede sorgreaktioner: Et feasibility-studie. Psyke &

Logos, 40(1), 165–182.

Søndergaard Knudsen, H. B., Jensen de López, K., & Archibald, L.

M. D. (2018). The contribution of cognitive flexibility to

children’s reading comprehension—The case for Danish.

Journal of Research in Reading, 41(Suppl 1), S130–S148.

Jensen de López, K., Søndergaard Knudsen, H.B., & Hansen, T.G.B. (2017).

What is measured in bereavement treatment for children and

adolescents? A systematic literature review. Illness, Crisis &

Loss, 28, 363—387.

The original article has been corrected.