Correction to: JARO 19: 17–29 (2018)

Erratum I:

This article was updated to correct a formatting error in Table 1.

Erratum II:

figure 1

In Figure 2a”, the y-axis was incorrectly labeled “0–200” and should have instead been labeled “0 to 80.”

figure 2

In Figure 3, the y-axis was incorrectly labeled. “Hair cell density/10,000μm2” should have instead appeared as “Supporting cell density (SOX2+-cells/10,000μm2).” Values “0 to 200” should have appeared as “0 to 400.”

figure 3

In Figure 5c, the striolar and extrastriolar xz projection image panels need to be swapped.

In Figure 5c–d, “Myosin VIIA, striolar and extrastriolar” should have appeared as “MYO7A, striola and extrastriola.”

All figures have been corrected.