Correction to: Clinical and Experimental Nephrology

In the original publication, there were several errors identified after online publication. The errors have been rectified and published in this correction.

Under the subtitle Blood pressure and echocardiographic measurements, the sentence, “The modified Penn cube formula was used to calculate LV mass [17]: 1.04 × [(0.1 × IVST) + (0.1 × PWT)] × 3 − [(0.1 × LVDd) × 3] × 0.8 + 0.6, and LV mass was adjusted for body surface area (LVMI)” was published erroneously.

The corrected sentence should read as, “The modified Penn cube formula was used to calculate LV mass [17]: 1.04 × [(0.1 × IVST) + (0.1 × PWT)]3 − [(0.1 × LVDd)3] × 0.8 + 0.6, and LV mass was adjusted for body surface area (LVMI)”.

In Tables 3 and 4, the unit of the urinary protein, ‘‘mg/day’’ should read as ‘‘g/day” and in Tables 5–8, the word in the title “LVM1” should read as “LVM”.