Erratum to: Clin Exp Nephrol DOI 10.1007/s10157-009-0192-4

Errors appeared in the article cited above, as follows:

Abstract: There was a mistake in the third sentence. The sentence should read:

A newly developed, programmable HBPM device (HEM-5041, Omron Healthcare, Kyoto, Japan) can record blood pressure up to 600 times and measure nighttime blood pressure automatically.

Introduction, second paragraph, lines 10–11: The sentence should read:

A recently developed HBPM device (HEM-5041, Omron Healthcare, Kyoto, Japan) can record blood pressure 600 times in total and be programmed to measure blood pressure up to 20 times during the night.

Table 2: In the first column, “Daytime” should have been “Whole day” and “Nighttime” should have been “Daytime”. The corrected table is as follows:

Table 2 Comparisons of percentage nighttime fall