This book, published by Thieme in 2001, deals with general neuropathology, infections, deformities, tumors of the CNS, inflammations, degenerative diseases, CNS traumata, etc., and thus the broad spectrum of neurological disorders. According neuroradiologic imaging is included, which provides excellent representation of anatomy and operative sites. Added are material on histologic preparations in each case and, considerably increasing the value of this book, postoperative course. The images are accompanied by short descriptions of the pathology concerned, diagnostics, and intraoperative sites, which all contribute to the impression of a homogeneous, well-rounded reference work. Individual diseases are treated in their whole complexity from the beginning.

In our opinion, this volume is well suited for educational purposes and preparation for specialist examinations for the fields of neurology and neurosurgery. It is an excellent choice for advanced medical students, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropathologists, and of course neuroradiologists.