1 Correction to: Knowledge and Information Systems https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-018-1274-y

In the original publication, part figures were incorrectly positioned in Figure 2. The correct Fig. 2 is given below.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A small subgraph of 47 nodes from the Enron email network in various phases of the infection process. Green nodes are susceptible nodes while red nodes are infected nodes. In figure a is the initial round (round 0) of the infection process and there is only one infected node in the network. In figure b, we observe round 2000 where the virus has spread in a greater part of the network. In figures c, d the infection has spread through a large part of the network and the system has reached a steady state where the amount of infected nodes is almost equal

The original article was corrected.