1 Introduction

The information extraction (IE) was defined by Moens [48] as the identification, and consequent or concurrent classification and structuring into semantic classes, of specific information found in unstructured data sources, such as natural language text, making information more suitable for information processing tasks. The task of IE is to retrieve important information concerning named entities, time relations, noun phrases, semantic roles, or relations among entities from the text [48]. Often, this process consists of two steps: (1) finding the extraction patterns and (2) extraction of information with use of these patterns. There are three levels of the text structure degree [11]: free natural language text (free text, e.g. newspapers, books), semi-structured data in the XML or HTML format or fully structured data, e.g. databases. The literature sometimes considered semi-structured data, like HTML, as a container of free natural language text. There are many methods for pattern creation [11, 63, 74], e.g. manual or with use of machine learning techniques.

This study briefly presents a general framework of an information extraction system (IES) and its implementation—the BigGrams system. Moreover, it describes (1) a novel proposal of the semi-supervised wrappers induction (WI) algorithm that utilizes the whole Internet domain (website, site, domain’s web pages) and creates a pattern to extract information in context with the entire Internet domain and (2) a novel taxonomic approach and its impact to the semi-supervised WI. This system and the WI are developed to support the information retrieval system called NEKST [17]. The NEKST utilizes the structured results coming from the BigGrams system to improve query suggestions and a ranking algorithm of web pages. Thanks to the BigGrams system, the relevant phrases (keywords) are extracted for each Internet domain.

The BigGrams system analyses HTML web pages to recognize and extract values of a single or multiple attributes of an information system (IS) [52] about, for example, films, cars, actors, pop stars, etc. On the other hand, the main aim of the WI is to create a set of patterns. These patterns are matched to the data, and in this way, new information is extracted and stored in the created IS. The proposed novel WI is based on application of formal concept analysis (FCA) [54, 77] to create extraction patterns in a semi-supervised manner. Thanks to FCA, the hierarchy of chars sequence groups is created. These groups cover the selected parts of the Internet domains. Based on this hierarchy, the proposed WI algorithm (1) selects the appropriate groups from the hierarchy, i.e. the groups that sufficiently cover and generalize the domain’s web pages, and (2) based on these groups, creates patterns that often occur in the Internet domain. The BigGrams system subsequently uses these patterns to extract information from semi-structured text documents (HTML documents). The proposed semi-supervised WI approach consists of the following steps: (1) the user defines a reference input set or a taxonomy of correct instances called seeds (values of the attributes of an IS), (2) the algorithm uses seeds to build the extraction patterns, and (3) the patterns are subsequently used to extract the new instances to extend the seed set [18, 73, 74]. For example, the input set of an actor name Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks can be next extended by the new instances, like a Bruce Willis, David Duchovny, Matt Damon.

The author did not find, in the available literature, similar methods (like the proposed BigGrams) to realize the deep semi-supervised approach to extract information from given websites. There are the shallow semi-supervised methods, such as Dual Iterative Pattern Relation Extraction (DIPRE) technique [5] and Set Expander For Any Language (SEAL) system [18, 73, 74] that obtain information from Internet web pages. These approaches use horizontal (shallow) scan and Internet web pages processing in order to extract appropriate new seeds and create an expanded global set of seeds. The aim of these systems is to expand the set of seeds for new seeds in the same category. In the end, these systems evaluate the global results, i.e. the quality of the extended global set of seeds. The proposed deep semi-supervised approach, as opposed to the shallow semi-supervised method, is based on the vertical (deeply) scans and processing of the entire Internet websites to extract information (relevant instances from these sites) and create an expanded local set of new seeds. In this approach, the number of proper seeds obtained from given websites is evaluated. In this article, the author shows empirically that shallow semi-supervised approach (SEAL is established as a baseline method) is inadequate to resolve the problem of deep semi-supervised extraction, i.e. the information extraction focuses on the websites. The shallow approaches cannot create all required and correct patterns to extract all important and relevant new instances from given sites.

The main objectives of this study are as follows:

  • establish the good start point to explore IES and the proposed BigGrams system through the theoretical and practical description of the above systems,

  • briefly describe the novel WI algorithm with the use case and theoretical preliminaries,

  • establish the impact of the (1) input form (the seeds set and the taxonomy of seeds), (2) pre-processing domain’s web pages, (3) matching techniques, and (4) a level of HTML documents representation to the WI algorithm results,

  • find the best combination of the elements mentioned above to achieve the best results of the WI algorithm,

  • check what kind of requirements must be satisfied to use the proposed WI in an iterative way, i.e. the boosting mode, where the output results are provided to the system input.

The author has determined (based on empirical research) the best combination and impact of the above-mentioned core information extraction elements to information extraction results. The conducted research shows that the best results are achieved when the proposed taxonomy approach is used to represent the input seeds and the pre-processing technique, which clears the values of HTML attributes, where the seeds are matched only between HTML tags, and if we use the tags level, rather than the chars level representation of HTML documents. Thanks to these findings, we can construct better WI algorithms producing better results. The proposed system and the WI method have been compared with the baseline SEAL system. Furthermore, the results of the conducted experiments show that we can use the output data (extracted information) as input data of the BigGrams system. It allows the system (when we can ensure well-diversified input data) to be used in an iterative manner.

The presented study is well grounded theoretically to give an in-depth understanding of the proposed method as well as to be easily reproduced. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes various known IE systems. Section 3 presents the formal description of the IES, i.e. it contains the description of IS and the general framework of the IES. Section 4 describes the implementation of the system mentioned above. This section contains (1) the comparison of the baseline SEAL and the proposed BigGrams system, (2) the specification of the proposed BigGrams IES, and (3) the WI algorithm together with the historical and mathematical description of FCA background, and a case study. The experimental results are presented in Sect. 5. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes the findings.

2 State of the art and related work

Currently, there are numerous well-known reviews describing the IESs [53, 66]. Usually they focus on free text or semi-structured text documents [4, 48, 58]. Optionally, the reviewers describe one of the selected components such as WI [11]. There are also many existing IESs. Typically, they are based on a distributional hypothesis (“Words that occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings”), and they use formal computational approach [30, 38]. Researchers also constructed another hypothesis called KnowItAll Hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, “Extractions drawn more frequently from distinct sentences in a corpus are more likely to be correct”. [21]. IESs, such as Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL), Know It All, TextRunner, or Snowball represent this approach [1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 22, 23, 56, 59, 68, 78]. The systems mentioned above represent the trend called open IE. They extract information from semi-structured text (HTML documents considered to be containers of natural language text) or natural language text. Also, there are solutions that attempt to induce ontologies from natural language text [20, 37, 49]. The examples of IE for semi-structured texts are described in [26, 32, 34, 50, 55, 61, 76]. In the case of databases [11], the IE can be viewed as an element of data mining and knowledge discovery [45]. There are also many algorithms that implement the WI component of IES [11].

Schulz et al. [60] present the newest survey of the web data extraction aspects. Their paper describes and complements the most recent survey papers of authors like Ferrara et al. [24] or Sleiman and Corchuelo [61]. Furthermore, we can add three articles of Varlamov and Turdakov [72], Umamageswari and Kalpana [71], and Chiticariu et al. [13] as a complement to Schulz et al. survey. In these studies, the authors focus on the description of the methods, vendors, and products to IE or WI. Furthermore, all the papers mentioned above describe the IE problem using different perspectives, such as the level of human intervention, limitations, wrapper types, wrapper scope. In the author’s research point of view, the best division of the IE approaches is based on the techniques used to learn WI component. We may distinguish three techniques: supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised. The supervised methods require manual effort of the user, i.e. the user must devote some time to label the web pages and mark the information to extraction [34,35,36, 64, 69]. The unsupervised methods, on the other hand, start from one or more unlabelled web documents and try to create patterns that extract as much prospective information as possible, and then the user gathers the relevant information from the results (Definition taken from Sleiman [64]) [12, 15, 39, 43, 62, 63, 65].

The semi-supervised technique is an intermediate form between supervised and unsupervised methods. In this approach, we only create a small dataset of seeds (a few values of the IS attribute) rather than create data set of labelled pages. There are three well-known IESs that are based on the semi-supervised approach to WI and processed on the web pages, i.e. Dual Iterative Pattern Relation Extraction (DIPRE) technique [5], Set Expander For Any Language (SEAL) system [18, 73, 74], and similar to SEAL the Set Expansion by Iterative Similarity Aggregation (SEISA) [31]. There are several advantages of these approaches, namely (1) they are language independent, (2) they can expand a set of small input instances (seeds) in an iterative way with sufficient precision, and (3) they discover the patterns with almost no human intervention. The SEAL represents a more general approach than DIPRE. The DIPRE extracts only information about books (title and author names). The SEAL can extract unary (e.g. actor name(Bruce Willis)) and binary (e.g. born-in(Bruce Willis, Idar-Oberstein)) relations from the HTML documents. In the first case, the extracted instance would be Bruce Willis, in the second Bruce Willis/Idar-Oberstein. Due to the more general form of the SEAL, as compared to the DIPRE, and thanks to its ability to reproduce, as compared to the SEISA, the author decided to compare the BigGrams system against the SEAL as a baseline.

Finally, it is worth mentioning one of the few obstacles that relate to the available, well-labelled and large gold-standard data sets and tools to IE [60]. The author can confirm the observation of the Schulz et al. [60] that it is difficult to compare the results of the IE solutions. The promising changes in this area are the large and well-labelled data sets created by the Bronzi et al. [7], Hao et al. [28] (this set was used in the additional benchmark, See “Appendix A”), as well as the original data set which was created by the author (see Sect. 5.1).

3 Formal description of the information extraction system

Usually, IES uses data that are received or have been transformed from the input of the IS. Also, the semi-supervised WI algorithms use information from some kind of the IS. For this reason, the author assumes that it is important to formally define the term IS to better understand the rest of this article and its role in IES. Sect. 3.1 describes theoretical basis of IS with the technical details. Section 3.2 explains the general framework of the IES.

3.1 Theoretical preliminaries

According to Pawlak [52] in each IS, there can be identified a finite set of objects X and finite set of attributes A. Each attribute a belonging to the A is related to its values collection \(V_a\), which is also known as a domain attribute a. It is accepted that the domain of each attribute is at least a two-element, i.e. each attribute may take at least one of the two possible values. Clearly, some attributes may have common values, e.g. for the attribute length and width set of values are real numbers. The binary function \(\varrho \) is introduced to describe the properties of the system objects. This function assigns the value v belonging to the domain \(V_a\) for each object \(x \in X\) and attribute \(a \in A\). By information system is meant quadruple:

$$\begin{aligned} { IS} = {<}X, A, V, \varrho {>} \end{aligned}$$

where X, a non-empty and finite set of objects; A, a non-empty and finite set of attributes; \(V = \bigcup _{a \in A}{V_a}\), \(V_a\) domain attribute a, a set of values of the attribute a; \(\varrho \), the entire function, \(\varrho : X \times A \rightarrow V\), wherein \(\varrho (x,a) \in V_a\) for each \(x \in X\) and \(a \in A\).

The domain \(V_a\) attribute a in IS is a set \(V_a\) described as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} V_a = \{v \in V{:}~{ for~each~exist}~x \in X,~{ such~as}~ \varrho (x,a)=v\} \end{aligned}$$

3.1.1 Practical preliminaries

The name of the IS (films, cars, etc.) is usually a general concept that aggregates a combination of attributes and their values. For example, the name movies is a concept that may contain attributes like the film title, actor’s name and production year.

In the remainder of this article, the author used a shortened notation to describe the IS, i.e. we can treat the IS as an n-tuple of attributes and their values: \({ IS}\text{< }X = \{x_1,\ldots , x_{|X|}\},~{ attribute}\text{- }{} { name}\text{- }1 = \{{ value}~1~{ of~ attribute}~1,~{ value}~2~{ of attribute}~1,\ldots \},\ldots , a \in A = V_a{>}\).

In the rest of this article, the following types of a tuple will be used: monad (singleton) and n-tuple. The monad tuple is an IS having one attribute \(|A| = 1\), \({ IS}\text{< }a \in A = V_a{>}\) and \({ is}\text{- }a(V_a, a \in A)\) or \([a \in A](V_a)\). For example, IS<film title = {die hard, x files,...}>, IS<actor name = {bruce willis, david duchovny, ...}> and is-a(die hard, film title) or film title(die hard). N-tuple is an IS with n-attributes \(|A| > 1\).

Finally, describing the IS, it is worth noting that the attributes can be granulated. The attribute values can be generalized or closely specified so that attribute taxonomies can be built. Assume the attribute \(a \in A\) and a set of its values \(V_a\). This attribute can be decomposed into \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) such that \(V_{a_1} \cap V_{a_2} = \emptyset \). Then, it is possible to connect the attributes’ values \(V_{a_1} \cup V_{a_2} = V_a\). The first action is defined as specification of attribute values. The second action is defined as generalization of attribute values. For example, the attribute film title can be split into two separate attributes film-tile-pl (Polish film title) and film-title-en (English film title), which then can be re-connected to receive a film title set of attribute values. Of course, it is not a general rule that \(V_{a_1} \cap V_{a_2} = \emptyset \); for example, the attribute person name can be split into musician name and actor name attributes. And it is obvious that there are actors who are musicians and vice versa, for example Will Smith. However, the assumption on the input data set that \(V_ {a_1} \cap V_ {a_2} = \emptyset \) has a positive effect on the results obtained from the proposed semi-supervised method of IE.

3.2 The general framework of the information extraction system

The author considered the whole process of an IE. This section describes all the components of an IES, regardless of the analysed data structure. It was assumed that an HTML document can be treated as a structure that stores free text (<p>free text</p>) or provides hidden semantic information. The HTML tag layouts (in short, HTML layouts) define this information (<h1 style=“actor name”>Bruce Willis</h1>). Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms are used in the first case to process free text. These tools are used to locate the end of a sentence and to grammatically analyse the sentences, etc. In the second case, the WI algorithms are used to analyse the structure of the HTML tag layouts. The created wrappers extract relevant information from these layouts. Figure 1 shows the basic components of the IES.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The information extraction system pipeline

Figure 1 shows the IES pipeline. We can consider the task of the IE as a realization of reverse engineering. Usually, we try to restore a full or partial model of an IS based on free text or HTML tag layouts. We can divide this task into two subtasks. The first subtask relates to the creation of an information system scheme (defining the IS attributes and possible relationships between them). While the second subtask relates to the attribute values extraction of the created IS schema. The IS schema that contains the attributes and values assigned to them is in short called IS.

The presented process in Fig. 1 gets an input data set, which is a collection of documents (corpus) P. It contains HTML documents \(p \in P\), which belong to a domain d. The domain comes from the set of domains D (\(d \in D\)). The unknown domain process \({ process}_{d}\) has created these documents. The process connects information from an unknown \({ IS}_d\) with the HTML layout \(L_{d}\) and noise \(T_{d}\). The HTML layout defines a presentation layer. The presentation layer displays information from the hidden \({ IS}_d\). Noise is created by the dynamic and random elements generated in the presentation layer. For example, the domain of movies can contain a simple IS, which consists of the following attributes and their values \({ IS}_{d}<\) film title = {x files,x files}, actors = {david duchovny, gila anderson}, comments = {comments body 1, comments body 2}>. The HTML layout might look like <h1 class=“film title”>$film title</h1 \(> <\) br/> Actors<ul \(> <\) li>$actors \(_{1}<\)/li \(> <\) li>$actors \(_{2}<\)/li \(> <\)/ul> ul \({>}\cdots {<}\) div class = “todays comments”>random(comments)</div>. Noise, in this case, is generated by the random() function, which returns a random comment. An output document from this process will have the following form <h1 class = ’film title’>x files</ h1 \(> <\) br/>Actors<ul \(> <\) li>david duchovny</li \(> <\) li>gillian anderson</li \(> <\)/ul \(> <\)ul> ...<div class = “todays comments’>comments body 2</div>. It should be noted that the same information can be expressed using a free text embedded in HTML layout <p>The film’s title is “The X-Files”. In this film, starring actors are david duchovny and gillian anderson. Selected a random comment at the premiere, which I heard was as follows: description of the body 2.</p>.

In Fig. 1 an Induction of the information system schema component creates the IS schema. The schema contains attribute names and relationship between them. A software engineer who creates the IS can induce this schema based on manual analysis. The software engineer may also use other IES components to induce attribute names and relationships between them. Thanks to these components, we may extract the attribute names and values as well as relationship between attributes.

In Fig. 1 an Identification of parts of the content of web pages to the information extraction component is used to mark important sequences of HTML tags or text in a document. The WI algorithm creates patterns based on these markings. We may mark documents using the supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised methods. Eventually, while viewing documents, we may manually identify important parts of the documents and immediately create the patterns (brute force method) or directly save them to the IS. Thanks to this, we can omit the WI component and we can go directly to the Pattern matching or Save the matched information to information system component. The supervised method is also based on manual marking. In this method, we can also mark important parts of documents. However, we do not create the patterns and after that we do not omit the WI component. The semi-supervised way involves creation of an input set of seeds (the attribute values of the IS). This set does not necessarily depend on the marked documents. However, this set must contain the seeds that can be matched to the analysed documents. It is the necessary condition for the WI. In the unsupervised identification, the same algorithm identifies important elements of the document. After marking the whole or some parts of the documents, we can go to the Wrappers induction component.

In Fig. 1 the Wrappers induction component is used to create the patterns. Based on the marked sequences of documents from the Identification of the parts of the content of web pages to the information extraction the WI algorithm creates the patterns. Next, the created patterns are saved in the data buffer (a memory, a database, etc.).

In Fig. 1 the Pattern matching component is used to match the created patterns. This component takes the patterns from the data buffer. After that, a matching algorithm matches these patterns to other documents. In this way, the component extracts new attribute values. The Save the matched information to information system component saves these new attribute values into the IS. Depending on the type of an analysis, i.e. induction of the attribute names or relations names of the IS, or extraction of the attribute values, information can be stored in an auxiliary or destination IS, which has the established IS schema. Of course, we may perform a manual identification of important information while viewing documents, and save this information directly to the selected IS (the Wrappers induction and the Pattern matching components are skipped).

In Fig. 1 the Verification component is optional. We may use it to validate the extracted attribute values, attribute names, or relation names. Such verification of facts may be based on external data sources, e.g. an external corpus of documents [8, 16].

In Fig. 1 the boosting phase is an optional element. Extracted information (verified or not), depending on the type of analysis, can be redirected to the Induction schema of the information system or Identification of the parts of the content of web pages to the information extraction component.

In Fig. 1 the last Evaluation component is optional. We may use this component to verify the entire process or individual components. For example, we may evaluate the WI algorithm or the component to verify facts collected in the IS, etc.

4 BigGrams as the implementation of the information extraction system

Section 4.1 describes the comparison of the BigGrams and the SEAL systems. Section 4.2 explains the specification of the proposed IES. Section 4.3 describes the algorithm and its use case.

4.1 The comparison of BigGrams and SEAL systems

The BigGrams system is able to extract unary and binary relations, and it is partially similar to the SEAL. The main differences between the BigGrams and the SEAL are as follows. The data structure used in the BigGrams is a lattice instead of Trie data structure utilized in the SEAL. Also, the BigGrams system uses a different WI algorithm. The term lattice comes from FCA, which is also applied in many other disciplines, such as [77] psychology, sociology, anthropology, medicine, biology, linguistics, mathematics, etc. The author did not find approaches based on mathematical models called FCA to build the WI algorithm from HTML documents in the available literature. Another difference concerns the method of document analysis. In the SEAL, the WI algorithm creates the patterns on the level of a single page and a chars level. In the BigGrams, the WI algorithm recognizes the whole domain of documents as one huge document. Based on this document, the BigGrams creates a set of patterns and attempts to extract all important and relevant instances from this domain (high precision and recall inside Internet domain). In contrast, the SEAL retrieves instances by using every single HTML document from the whole Internet and attempts to achieve high precision. The SEAL also uses a rank function to rank the extracted instances. This function filters, for example, the noise instances. The BigGrams does not use any ranking function. Furthermore, from the point of view of the extraction task (the extraction of relevant instances from domains), the SEAL is not the appropriate tool to accomplish this task because of low recall.

Like in the SEAL, the WI algorithm of the BigGrams can use a sequence of characters (raw chars, chars level, raw strings, strings level, or strings granularity) [47]. This algorithm extracts these strings from the HTML document and uses them to create patterns. However, the author noticed that it is better to change these raw strings to the HTML tags level (HTML tags granularity). This article presents the results of this change.

In contrast to the SEAL, the WI algorithm of the BigGrams could use a more complex structure to the WI. The BigGrams may use the taxonomy of seeds rather than a simple set of seeds (a bag of seeds). The bag of seeds contains input instances (seeds) without semantic diversity. The taxonomy includes this semantic diversity.

Furthermore, the author introduced a weak assumption that based on the input values of the IS, the extracted patterns will extract new values belonging to the attribute of a given IS. This is a weak assumption because the created pattern can extract a value belonging to another IS. It occurs when based on values from \({ IS}_1\) and values from \({ IS}_2\) (disjunction values set), the WI algorithm will create the same pattern that covers values from \({ IS}_1\) and \({ IS}_2\). In the algorithm output, it cannot be recognized which values belong to which IS. Despite this drawback, this approach significantly improves the performance of the proposed WI algorithm. It has been proven experimentally and described in this article.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the BigGrams, such as the SEAL, does not operate in “live DOM” where all CSS (e.g. CSS boxes) and JavaScript are applied to a page. Moreover, also the dynamic elements of HTML 5 are omitted in the WI phase. The BigGrams processes only the static rendered web pages.

4.2 Specification on high level of abstraction

The aim of the BigGram system, for a given particular domain, is to extract only information (new seeds, new values of attributes) connected with this domain. For example, for a domain connected with movies, the BigGrams should extract the actors’ names, film titles, etc. To this end, the BigGrams analyses all the pages \(p\in P\) from the domain \(d\in D\). Based on this analysis, the BigGrams creates patterns for the whole domain and extracts new seeds. Figure 2 shows the general scheme of the BigGrams system.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The general scheme of the BigGrams system

The input of the BigGrams system accepts two data sets (Fig. 2). The first data set may include a set of seeds (bag of seeds) or a taxonomy of seeds. The second data set contains the domain’s web pages (three examples of web pages are shown in Figs. 45, and 6). The bag of seeds contains input instances (seeds). Alternatively, all values (instances) are assigned to one attribute (thing name) of a singleton IS. We may split this attribute into several attributes that may store values that are more relevant to them (by a semantic view), i.e. we can create a taxonomy of seeds. The values are assigned to semantically appropriate attribute names. Let us consider the the bag of seeds in the following form IS<(thing name = {district 9, the x files, die hard, bruce willis}). The thing name attribute could be split into more specific attributes, such as english film title and actor name. In this way, we can create separable input data sets (singleton ISs). All the IS contains specific attributes that capture the well meaning (semantics) of their values. For bag of seeds, mentioned above, we can create separable ISs such as, IS<english film title = {district 9, the x files, die hard}> and IS<actor name = {bruce willis}>. The output of the BigGrams system contains an extended input set. The system realizes the following steps: (1) creates patterns based on the input pages and seeds, (2) extracts new instances from these pages by using the patterns, and (3) adds new instances to the appropriate data set. Furthermore, the system may work in the batch mode or the boosting mode. The batch mode does not operate in an iterative way and does not use the output results (the newly extracted seeds) to extend input seeds. The boosting mode includes these abilities.

4.2.1 Specification details with examples

Figure 3 presents the more elaborate scheme of the BigGrams system.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The BigGrams’ pipeline

Fig. 4
figure 4

Contents of document \(p_1\)

Fig. 5
figure 5

Contents of document \(p_2\)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Contents of document \(p_3\)

The process presented in Fig. 3 shows the basic steps of the BigGrams system. Firstly, a set of IS schemes has to be created manually. Each IS schema consists of common attributes, such as id-domain (a domain identifier), id-webpage (a web page identifier). Also, each IS schema contains an individual attribute (not shared/common between IS schemas), such as film-title-pl, film-title-en, actor name. After the phase of patterns matching, the acquired information is saved in particular IS schemas.

In the second step, a collection of documents for each domain (Domain’s web pages) is gathered from a distributed database (DDB). After this step, an initial document processing (Pre-processing) takes place. This processing:

  • fixes the structure of an HTML document (closes the HTML tags, closes the attribute values using the chars , etc.),

  • cleans an HTML document from unnecessary elements (header, JavaScript, css, comments, footers, etc.),

  • changes the level of granularity of HTML tags.

The HTML tags contain attributes and their values, for example <h1 attribute1 = “value1” attribute2 = “value2”>. We may change the granularity of HTML tags by removing the value of the attributes or by removing the attributes and their values. For example, we can express the above-mentioned HTML tags as:

  • \({<}\) h1 attribute1 = “ attribute2 = ”> - the HTML tags without attribute values,

  • \({<}\) h1> - the HTML tags without attributes and their values.

The semi-supervised identification performs matching the seeds (the attribute values of a singleton IS) for each processed HTML document. We create the input set of seeds for each created scheme of a singleton IS manually. After matching the seed to the document, the n-left and m-right HTML tags that surround the matched seed are collected. Based on these, we can create a set of triple data \(t_{d}\) <n-left HTML tags, matched seed, m-right HTML tags>. Based on this set, the algorithm creates one global big document. This document can be considered as a collection of aforementioned data triples \(t_{d}\).

The Wrappers induction step contains the embedded element called Pre-processing of wrappers induction. This element processes the HTML documents before performing wrappers induction. This component is responsible for outlier seeds detection and filtration. It detects and removes the outlier data triples \(t_{d}\) from the big document. The previous experiments [47] have shown that \(t_{d}\) can be found in the data set that contains the seeds that contribute to the induction of patterns in a negative way. Usually, there are seeds and \(t_{d}\) that occur on the domain’s HTML document too often or too rarely. This component removes too frequent or too rare seeds from big document, i.e. seeds of frequency below \(Q3 - 1.5 \cdot ({ IQR})\) or above \(Q1 + 1.5 \cdot ({ IQR})\) (Q1—first quartile, Q3—third quartile, \({ IQR}\)—interquartile range). Also, the approach of sampling only k random \(t_{d}\) from the big document is used, if it is too long, i.e. when it contains more than p triple data \(t_{d}\). After the outlier seeds detection and filtration the WI algorithm creates the patterns based on the one global big document. The author defines a pattern as a pair which contains the left l and the right r contextual HTML tags.

The tags that surround the matched seeds from the triple data are defined as a left extension or a right extension. Respectively, the left and right extensions have fixed lengths. The length is expressed by the number of HTML tokens. For example, we may assume the input as the IS singleton IS<film-title-en = {the x files, die hard, the avengers, district 9}>. The input seeds set \(V_{a={ film}\text{- }{} { title}\text{- }{} { en}}\) consists of four seeds (values of the attribute film-title-en) \(|V_{a={ film}\text{- }{ title}\text{- }{} { en}}| = 4\) and \(V_{a={ film}\text{- }{ title}\text{- }{} { en}}=\{{ the}~x~{ files},~{ die}~{ hard},~{ the~ avengers},~{ district}~9\}\). Also, it is assumed that the domain \(d\in D\) is represented by a set P of three documents \(P=\{p_1, p_2, p_3\}\). The contents of the three pages are shown in Figs. 45, and  6, respectively.

We can match the seeds \(s\in V_{a={ film}\text{- }{ title}\text{- }{} { en}}\) to the documents \(p_1-p_3\), and in this way we can retrieve the set of data triples \(t_{d}\). Next, we create a big document that connects the all triple data \(t_{d}\). The HTML tokens of the triple data have the fixed left \(k_l\) and the right \(k_r\) lengths. Figure 7 presents the big document for the \(k_l=3~{ and}~k_r=2\) lengths.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Contents of document \(p_4\)

After creation of the big document, each seed from the data triple \(t_{d}\) obtains its unique id \(o_i\), \(i=1,\ldots , y,~{ where}\) \(y~{ is~a~counts~of~all}~t_{d}\) (\(\{o_1 = { the}~x~{ files}, o_2 = { die~hard}, o_3 = { the~avengers}, o_4 = { the}~x~{ files}, o_5 = { district}~9\), \(o_6 = { die hard}, o_7 = { the avengers}\}\)). In addition, each object \(o_i\) is associated with the identifiers (indexes) of web pages. Thanks to this, we know which page contains a specific object. The WI algorithm creates extraction patterns for the domain based on such created big document and with the use of FCA (Sect. 4.3).

In Fig. 3, it can be noticed that the Wrappers induction phase is followed by the Pattern matching phase and the Update/Save phase. In the Patterns matching phase, the patterns are subsequently used to extract new instances. In this phase, the instances between left and right HTML tokens are extracted. Based on the previously considered example, the WI algorithm may create a general pattern, like <p class=“film title” \(> <\) br/\({>}(.{+}?){<}\) br/\(> <\)/p>. After applying this pattern to documents, two new instances of the attribute of the film title will be extracted: nine months and dead poet society. Thus, the initial input set of seeds is extended by two new instances of the attribute of the film title. In the Update/Save phase, these new values of the attribute are saved into the singleton IS or the appropriate input data set is updated. Furthermore, we can use a boosting mode to improve the output collections of instances. The received output instances can be directed back to the input of the semi-supervised identification phase.

4.3 Implementation

This section describes the FCA theory (Sect. 4.3.1) which is a core of the proposed WI algorithm. Moreover, the algorithm with the use case is described in Sect. 4.3.2.

4.3.1 Theoretical preliminaries

Rudolf Wille introduced FCA in 1984. FCA is based on a partial order theory. Birkhoff created this theory in the 1930s [54, 77]. FCA serves, among others, to build a mathematical notion of a concept and provides a formal tool for data analysis and knowledge representation. Researchers use a concept lattice to visualize the relations among the discovered concepts. A Hasse diagram is another name of the concept lattice. This diagram consists of nodes and edges. Each node represents the concept, and each edge represents the generalization/specialization relation. FCA is one of the methods used in knowledge engineering. Researchers use FCA to discover and build ontologies (for example, from textual data) that are specific to particular domains [14, 44].

FCA consists of three steps: defining the objects O, attributes C, and incidence relations R; defining a formal context K in terms of an attribute, object, and incidence relation; and defining a formal concept for a given formal context. The formal context K is a triple [27]:

$$\begin{aligned} K{<}O,C, R{>} \end{aligned}$$

where O, the non-empty set of objects; C, the non-empty set of attributes; R, the binary relation between objects and attributes; orc, the relation r representing the fact that an object o has an attribute c.

From the formal context K the following dependencies can be derived: any subset of objects \(A\subseteq O\) generates a set of attributes \(A'\) that can be assigned to all objects from A, e.g. \(A = \{o2, o3\} \rightarrow A' = \{c2, c3\}\) and any subset of attributes \(B\subseteq C\) generates a set of objects \(B'\) that have all attributes from B, e.g. \(B = \{c2\} \rightarrow B' = \{o2, o3\}\).

The formal concept of the context K(OCR) is a pair (A, B), where [27]: \(A = B'= \{ o \in O : \forall c \in B \, orc \}\)—extension of (AB) and \(B = A' = \{ c \in C : \forall o \in A \, orc \}\)—intension of (AB).

With each concept there is a related extension and intension. The extension is the class of objects described by the concept. The intension is the set of attributes (properties) that are common for all objects from the extension. The concepts (A1, B1) and (A2, B2) of the context K(OCR) are ordered by the relation that can be defined as follows [27]:

$$\begin{aligned} (A_1, B_1) \le (A_2, B_2) \iff (A_1 \subseteq A_2 \iff B_2 \subseteq B_1) \end{aligned}$$

The set of all concepts of S of the context K together with the relation \(\le (S(K), \le )\) constitutes a lattice called concept lattice for the formal context K(OCR) [27].

4.3.2 The wrapper induction algorithm and the use case

The algorithm presented below has three properties. Firstly, it suffices to scan the set of input pages and the set of seeds only once to construct the patterns. Secondly, the patterns are constructed with the use of concept lattice described in Sect. 4.3.1. The pattern construction consists of finding a combination of left l and right r HTML tokens surrounding the matched seeds that make it possible to extract new candidates for seeds. Thirdly, the algorithm has parameters to control its performance, e.g. precision, recall, and F-measure. One of such parameters is the minimum length of the pattern, which is defined by the minimum number of left l and right r HTML tokens that surround the seed.

Now, it will be described how the left and right lattices are constructed based on the big document (Sect. 4.2.1). There is a constructed appropriate relation matrix that next serves for constructing left and right concept lattices. The matrix for building the left (prefix) lattice is shown in Table 1. The resulting lattice is shown in Fig. 8. The right (suffix) matrix and lattice are built analogously.

Table 1 An example of the cross-table

Table 1 shows a matrix of incidence relation between objects (indexed by seeds in the big document) and HTML tokens that surround them from the left (that may be viewed as FCA attributes). In the matrix, there are seven objects and five attributes. The considered HTML tokens are restricted by the maximum numbers of HTML tokens. The string of HTML tokens can be expanded (starting from the right and moving to the left) and represented by 5 attributes: <br/>, <li  class = “film title” \(> <\) br/>, <ul \(> <\) li class = “film title” \(> <\) br/>,<p class = “film title” \(> <\) br/> and </li \(> <\) p class = “film title” \(> <\) br/>. The relation between the object and attribute is present only if there is the possibility to match a given object with a given attribute (what is represented by “1” inside the matrix/Table 1). In this way, it is possible to derive an appropriate left lattice from the relation matrix, which is illustrated in Fig. 8. The lattice defines the partial order described in Eq. 4 in Sect. 4.3.1. We can see two concepts \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) (not counting the top and bottom nodes). The split was done due to the attribute <br/>, i.e. by extending the pattern <br/>, respectively, by the <p class = “film title”> or <li class = “film title”> HTML token. In this way, two new separate concepts are created.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The concept lattice for data from Table 1

It can be noticed that the first concept \(k_1\) aggregates in itself the information about the objects \({o_1, o_3, o_4, o_6, o_7}\) surrounded from the left by such prefixes as <li class = “film title” \(> <\) br/> and <ul \(> <\) li class = “film title” \(> <\) br/> etc. The objects \(o_i \in k_1\) are surrounded by HTML tokens expansions of lengths \({ conceptLength}(k_1) = \{2, 3\}\). Additional information indirectly encoded inside the concepts concerns the distribution of seeds among pages that will be further used by the algorithm.

With the left and right concept lattices as an input, the pattern construction algorithm can be initiated. The pseudo-code of the algorithm is depicted in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

The pseudo-code of the proposed algorithm to wrapper induction

The algorithm from Fig. 9 creates the extraction patterns. Next, the patterns are used to extract new seeds. The instances are retrieved from documents belonging to the domain for which the patterns were created. The algorithm proceeds in two phases. The first phase consists of execution of the function receiveLeftLatticeConcept() (Fig. 9: line 1, body of function in Fig. 10). The second phase consists of execution of the function receiveWrappers() (Fig. 9: line 2, the body of the function presents in Fig. 12).

Fig. 10
figure 10

The pseudo-code of the \({ receiveLeftLatticeConcept}\) function

The function shown in Fig. 10 retrieves the candidates for the left patterns from the left lattice of concepts. We retrieve the patterns, which attributes (the left expansions) are of the length equal or bigger than the input parameter minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags. The inner function conceptLength (Fig. 10, line 6) is responsible for calculating the number of HTML tokens. The function from Fig. 10 also selects concepts from the left lattice that achieve the value of support higher than another parameter supportConcept (Fig. 10, line 8). This value is computed by the function supportConcept(). Figure 11 presents the pseudo-code of this function.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The pseudo-code of the supportConcept function

The supportConcept() function from Fig. 11 computes the support. The support is a ratio of a number of pages (identifiers) aggregated by a given concept and a number of pages in the domain covered by the concepts (the number of documents from the upper supremum of the lattice). The inner function pagesCoverByConcept from Fig. 11 (line 2) retrieves a set of identifiers of pages aggregated by a given concept \(k_i\).

After computing the first phase, the second phase is initiated. The second phase of the algorithm executes the function receiveWrappers() (Fig. 9: line 2, the body of the function presents in Fig. 12).

Fig. 12
figure 12

The pseudo-code of the \({ receiveWrappers}()\) function

The function from Fig. 12 is responsible for retrieving extraction patterns. During its execution, the left concepts from the left lattice and the right concepts from the right lattice are compared. The right concepts, which right expansions are not shorter than the value of input parameter, are selected minNumberOfRightHtmlTags. Next, if such condition is satisfied, the value (line 9) that estimates the support between the current left concept \(k_{{ left}-i}\) and \(k_{{ right}-i}\) is computed. Its computation consists of checking what the percentage of pages is covered by the left and the right concepts. The pattern is accepted only if the computed value is not lower than supportInterConcept. The pattern consists of left and right expansions retrieved from the left and right concepts, \(k_{{ left}-i-{ th}}\) and \(k_{{ right}-i-{ th}}\).

Below, the illustration of the algorithm execution for data previously considered in Fig. 7 is presented. The following settings are assumed: \(\textit{minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags} = 3\), \(\textit{minNumberOfRightHtmlTags} = 2\), \(\textit{supportConcept} = 0.1\), \(\textit{supportInterConcept} = 0.55\) and \(\textit{countPagesPerDomain} = |D| = 3\). The first phase of the algorithm will return the following set of left concepts \(K_{{ left}} = \{k1 ,k2\}\), where \(k1 = \{o1, o3, o4, o6, o7\}\) and \(k2 = \{o2, o5\}\). These objects cover the following documents: \({ pagesCoverByConcept}(k1) = \{1, 2, 3\}\) and \({ pagesCoverByConcept}(k1) = \{1, 2\}\). These concepts satisfy the following conditions \({ conceptLength}(k_{i-{ th}}) \ge { minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags}\) and \({ supportConcept}(k_{i-{ th}}, { countPagesPerDomain}) > { supportConcept}\).

The second phase of the algorithm returns the following set of patterns: \(W_{out}= \{{<}{} \textit{ul}{>}{<}{} \textit{li class}=\hbox {``}{} \textit{film title}\hbox {''}{>}{<}{} \textit{br}/{>}(.{+}?){<}/\textit{li}{>}{<}{} \textit{p}{>}\), \({<}/\textit{li}{>}{<}{} \textit{p class} = \hbox {``}{} \textit{film title}\hbox {''}{>}{<}{} \textit{br}/{>}(.{+}?){<}{} \textit{br}/{>}{<}/\textit{p}{>}\}\). After matching these patterns to the documents \(p_1, p_2\), and \(p_3\), the following new seeds will be extracted: nine months, dead poets society, good will hunting, the departed, dead poets society.

5 Empirical evaluation of the solution

Section 5.1 describes a reference data set (a relevant set) used to evaluate the WI algorithm. The evaluation was based on indicators described in Sect. 5.2. Section 5.3 explains the experiment’s plan. Section 5.4 describes its realization and the results. Furthermore, the additional benchmark that is based on the another data set, and which is compared to another IE approach (the supervised method which was proposed by Hao et al. [28]), is presented in “Appendix A”.

5.1 The description of the reference data set

The author has not found an adequate reference data set to evaluate the proposed algorithm. In the literature, there are many references to data sets [19, 51, 75]. Unfortunately, these data sets are not proper to evaluate the proposed method. Well-labelled web documents from a certain domain are required. Each document from the domain must be labelled by a set of important instances (keywords). For this reason, the author created his own labelled reference data set. This data set contains 200 well-diversified documents for each existing Internet domain (filmweb.pl, ptaki.info, and agatameble.pl). In the rest of this section, the author uses the term “domain” rather than the Internet domain.

The test collection of HTML documents obtained (collected/crawled) from the filmweb.pl domain includes 200 documents. Among the 200 documents, 156 documents include information that should be extracted. The rest of the documents contain information irrelevant to the IE task, but they were not excluded. These documents emulate noise. The WI should not create patterns for these pages, and instances should not be extracted out from these pages. The author created the reference data set based on the 156 relevant documents. This set includes \(V_{{ ref}} = 4185\) instances of different types, i.e. different semantic classes (a film title, an actor name, etc.). The author also used 200 HTML documents from other domains, which have less complex layouts, to evaluate of the proposed WI algorithm. These domains are (1) ptaki.info (about birds), and (2) agatameble.pl (a trade offer store). The reference data set for these domains include \(V_{{ ref}}=142\) and \(V_{{ ref}}=1264\) instances, respectively.

5.1.1 Practical preliminaries

The creation of a good reference collection of seeds is a difficult, demanding and time-consuming task. This phase involves many problems, such as interpretation of the extracted (matched) information and adding it to the created reference data set. This is an important step, because based on these reference data, the effects of the proposed WI algorithm will be evaluated. The author decomposed the fundamental problem of information interpretation from the HTML document templates into several smaller sub-problems. This problem is quite general and can occur during analysis of most websites, which can be characterized by complicated HTML templates. In particular, the point is that the same information can be presented differently. The following brief analysis of potential problems was conducted based on observation of the IE from the filmweb.pl domain. This domain includes dozens of different templates. The author assumes (based on empirical observations) that the rich structure of this domain and its analysis is a good approximation to the analysis of the other domains’ content. The described domain contains the HTML templates that display information about:

  • a single movie/series/video game/theatre arts. The templates print the information from the following n-tuple <polish title, english title, list of actors names, list of actors roles, music, photos>. In addition, the author in the test set detected the templates that present a short and full version of the above n-tuple, e.g. the list of actors names can present all values (a full version) or k-first values (a short version).

  • a set of movies. The templates print the information from the following n-tuples <polish and english films titles>,

  • a set of movies. The templates print the information from the following n-tuples <polish films titles, english films titles>. Furthermore, in the test set, the author detected two different templates that represent above-mentioned tuples,

  • a single actor. The templates print the information from the following n-tuples <actor’s name and surname, polish films titles, english films titles, names of films roles>,

  • the user’s favourite films. The templates print the information from the following n-tuples <prefix as the film year production and english films titles, polish films titles>. Furthermore, in the test set, the author detected two different templates that represent the above-mentioned n-tuple.

The author had the one fundamental problem during analysis of website templates and extracting information from them to the reference data set. This problem concerned the interpretation of the data. There might be a problem with the interpretation of (1) the HTML tags of a layout that surrounds the information, (2) the created extraction patterns, and (3) extracted information. The HTML tags layout and the created patterns may suggest some correct forms of the same information. For example, we may consider the following situations:

  • there is an available layout of HTML tags <tag1 \(> <\) tag2>[information to extraction]<tag3> [suffix associated with the information to extraction]<tag4>. Based on the HTML tags we may create two patterns {<tag1 \(> <\) tag2 \({>} (.{+}?){<}\) tag3>, <tag1 \(> <\) tag2 \({>}(.{+}?){<}\) tag4>}. Using these patterns, we may extract the following information [information to extraction] and [information to extraction]<tag3>[suffix associated with the information to extraction]. Using a simple pre-processing, we may filter out the unnecessary HTML tags from extracted information. This way, the correct form of instance, i.e. [information to extraction] [suffix associated with the information to extraction] is obtained. It often occurs, for instance, in case of displaying the cast. Usually, additional information is added to the film role name. This information indicates whether an actor lent their own voice or not, e.g. barry “big bear” thorne and barry “big bear” thorne (voice), etc.,

  • there is an available layout of HTML tags <tag1 \({>}(.{+}?){<}\) tag2>, which covers, for example, name of an actor such as a matthew perry i. However, for the given page the WI may create another pattern, which extracts a similar semantic information, e.g. matthew perry,

  • there is also an available layout of HTML tags <tag1 \({>}(.{+}?){<}\) tag2>, which covers, for example, the film names in the following form production year | english film title (1979 | Apocalypse Now). However, this layout may also cover only the prefixes, as a production year (1979) because there is no English version of the film title.

After consideration of the situations mentioned above, the author decided to add different variations of the same correct information to the designed reference data set. This means that the Wrappers induction and Pattern matching components should extract all possible forms of data that have been identified as correct. Furthermore, we may assume a simple pre-processing. This pre-processing removes the unnecessary HTML tags from the extracted data. Thus, the author assumes that, for example, matthew perry i and matthew perry or apocalypse now, 1979| apocalypse now and 1979, etc., from the HTML documents are correct.

5.2 The indicators to evaluate the proposed solutions

The following indicators were used for the evaluation of the proposed WI algorithm [25, 46, 67]:

  • Precision

    $$\begin{aligned} { Prec} = \frac{|V_{{ ref}} \cap V_{{ rec}}|}{|V_{{ rec}}|} \end{aligned}$$
  • Recall

    $$\begin{aligned} { Rec} = \frac{|V_{{ ref}} \cap V_{{ rec}}|}{|V_{{ ref}}|} \end{aligned}$$
  • F-measure

    $$\begin{aligned} F = \frac{2 \cdot { Prec} \cdot { Rec} }{ { Prec} + { Rec} } \end{aligned}$$
  • Macro-average precision

    $$\begin{aligned} { Prec}_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = \frac{ \sum _{k=1}^n { Prec}_{p_{k}}}{n} = \frac{1}{n} \sum \limits _{k=1}^n \frac{ \left| V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}} \cap V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\right| }{\left| V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\right| } \end{aligned}$$
  • Macro-average recall

    $$\begin{aligned} { Rec}_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = \frac{ \sum _{k=1}^n { Rec}_{p_{k}}}{n} = \frac{1}{n} \sum \limits _{k=1}^n \frac{\left| V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}} \cap V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\right| }{\left| V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}\right| } \end{aligned}$$
  • Macro-average F-measure

    $$\begin{aligned} F_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = \frac{1}{n} \sum \limits _{k=1}^n \frac{2 \cdot { Prec}_{p_{k}} \cdot { Rec}_{p_{k}} }{ { Prec}_{p_{k}} + { Rec}_{p_{k}} } \end{aligned}$$

where \(V_{{ ref}}\) is the set of reference instances (the set of reference attribute values, for the given website) and \(V_{{ rec}}\) is the set of received instances (the set of received attribute values/the retrieved set, for the given website); \(|V_{{ ref}}|\) is the size of the set of reference instances and \(|V_{{ rec}}|\) is the size of the set of received instances; n is the count of web page for the given website; \({ Prec}_{p_{k}}\) is the precision and \({ Rec}_{p_{k}}\) is the recall of k-th document; \(V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}\) is the set of reference instances and \(V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\) is the set of received instances of k-th document; \(|V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}|\) is the size of the set of reference instances and \(|V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}|\) is the size of the set of received instances of k-th document.

5.3 The plan of the experiment

The author conducted experiments with different configurations of components to evaluate the proposed algorithm/system in relation to the SEAL. Figure 13 presents the scheme of the experiment plan.

Fig. 13
figure 13

The scheme of the experiment plan

In Fig. 13 the Seeds set component includes the elements (the configuration names) such as Set of seeds without semantic labels (S1) and Set of seeds with semantic labels (S2). The S1 set contains instances that belong to one general attribute thing name. The S2 set contains instances that are split between more specific attributes (the taxonomy of seeds, see Sect. 4). The Pre-processing Domain’s web pages component includes the elements such as HTML tags with attributes and values (H1), HTML tags without the attribute values (H2), and HTML tags without attributes and their values (H3). These elements may or may not remove some parts of HTML documents (see Sect. 4.2.1). The Matching component includes the elements such as Matching seeds to the whole HTML document (M1) and Matching seeds between HTML tags (M2). The M1 matches each seed to the whole HTML document; for example, we can match \({ seed}=x~{ files}\) to <a href=“.../ x files >x files</a>. The M2 matches each seed only to the between HTML tags; for example, we can match \({ seed}=x~{ files}\) to <a href=“.../x files”>x files</a>. The Wrapper induction component includes the elements such as Wrapper induction on chars level per document (W1), Wrapper induction on chars level per domain (W2), and Wrapper induction on HTML tags level per domain (W3). These elements induce the wrappers in three different ways.

As shown in Fig. 13, we can conduct the following experiments: \({ Experiment}_1{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M1 \rightarrow W1\), \({ Experiment}_2{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M1 \rightarrow W1\), \({ Experiment}_3{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M1 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_4{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M1 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_5{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H1\rightarrow M2\rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_6{:}~ S2\rightarrow H1\rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_7{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H2 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_8{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H2 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_9{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H3 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_{10}{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H3 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W2\), \({ Experiment}_{11}{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\), \({ Experiment}_{12}{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H1 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\), \({ Experiment}_{13}{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H2 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\), \({ Experiment}_{14}{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H2 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\), \({ Experiment}_{15}{:}~ S1 \rightarrow H3 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\) and \({ Experiment}_{16}{:}~ S2 \rightarrow H3 \rightarrow M2 \rightarrow W3\).

The \({ Experiment}_1\) and \({ Experiment}_2\) refer to test of the SEAL algorithm (only the wrapper phase without the ranking phase). The \({ Experiment}_3\)\({ Experiment}_{10}\) refer to test of the BigGrams system, which works on the chars level. The \({ Experiment}_{11}\)\({ Experiment}_{16}\) refer to test of the BigGrams system, which works on the HTML tags level.

5.4 The realization of the experiment plan and the results

Section 5.4.1 presents the results of the experiment where the BigGrams system works in the batch mode. Section 5.4.2 shows the results of the experiment where the BigGrams system works in the boosting mode.

5.4.1 The batch mode

The evaluation of the proposed system to extraction of information is based on the comparison of the set of reference attribute values \(V_{{ ref}}\) with the set of received attribute values \(V_{{ rec}}\) from this system. The author evaluated each of three domains mentioned above. The author changed the values of the numberOfChars attribute from 1 to 9, and the best result for the SEAL algorithm was noted. The author changed the support inter concept parameter from 0.1 to 0.9 every 0.1 for the BigGrams system. The author set the following parameters \({ minNumberOfLeftChars} = 2\), \({ minNumberOfRightChars} = 12\), and \({ minNumberOfLeftChars} = 4\), \({ minNumberOfRightChars} = 4\), respectively, for the BigGrams system with the chars level mode. The author set the following parameters \({ minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags} = 1\), \(\textit{minNumberOfRightHtmlTags} = 1\), and \({ minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags} = 2\), \(\textit{minNumberOfRightHtmlTags} = 2\), respectively, for the BigGrams system with the HTML tags level mode. Also, the author assumed the constant parameters such as \({ support~concept} = 0.1\) and \({ filtered~outlier~seed} = { true}\). The author created data sets of the following numbers of seeds \(|S_{{ input}}|\): filmweb.pl \(|S_{{ input}}| = \sum _{a \in A} |V_{a}| = 1020\) seeds (Table 4 shows the used attributes \(a \in A\)); ptaki.info \(|S_{{ input}}| = |V_{a={ latin}\text{- }{} { bird}\text{- }{} { name}}| + |V_{a={ polish}\text{- }{} { bird}\text{- }{} { name}}| = 6 + 6 = 12\) seeds and agatameble.pl \(|S_{{ input}}| = |V_{a={ product}\text{- }{} { name}}| = 65\) seeds.

Tables 2 and 3 contain the best results achieved in the experiments. These tables contain the comparison of the results from the SEAL system (Experiment 1–2) with the BigGrams system, which works on chars level (Experiment 3–10) and HTML tags level (Experiment 11–16), with different configurations of the components. Section 5.3 (Fig. 13) explains the whole research plan in detail.

Table 2 The comparison of the results from the SEAL (SEAL’—the chars level and the seed set, SEAL”—the chars level and the taxonomy of seeds) and the BigGrams system (BigGrams*—the chars level with the different configurations, BigGrams**—the HTML tags level with the different configurations) for the filmweb.pl and ptaki.info domains and s is a standard deviation
Table 3 The comparison of the results from the SEAL (SEAL’—the chars level and the seed set, SEAL”—the chars level and the taxonomy of seeds) and the BigGrams system (BigGrams*—the chars level with the different configurations, BigGrams**—the HTML tags level with the different configurations) for the agatameble.pl domain and s is a standard deviation

Based on the results included in Tables 2 and 3, we may conclude that the proposed algorithm works the worst when the WI uses HTML tags with attributes and their values. On the contrary, it works best when the WI uses HTML tags with attributes without values. The HTML tag granularity significantly improves the proposed WI solution. Thanks to using the more complex structure of seeds (the taxonomy of seeds), rather than bag of seeds, we can achieve better results for a more complex domain, i.e. higher value of the \(F_{{ mic}\text{- }{ avg}}\), etc. The SEAL is not an appropriate solution for direct extraction of the important instances (keywords) from the domain.

Based on the all the conducted experiments, some parameter values of the algorithm can be determined. The maximum values of these indicators for the filmweb.pl domain were obtained using the following input parameters of the algorithm: \(|S_{{ input}}| = 1020\), \(\textit{minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags} = 2\), \(\textit{minNumberOfRightHtmlTags} = 2\), \({ support~concept} = 0.1\), \({ support~inter~concept} = 0.2\), \({ filtered~attributes~values} = { true}\) and \({ filtered~outlier~seed} = { true}\). For these parameters, the author obtained the following indicator values of the algorithm evaluations: \({ Prec} = 0.9948\), \({ Rec} = 0.9603\), \(F = 0.9773\), \({ Prec}_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = 0.9738 \pm 0.1565\), \({ Rec}_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = 0.9362 \pm 0.1733\) and \(F_{{ mac}\text{- }{} { avg}} = 0.9523 \pm 0.1613\). In addition, for these parameters per-page the \(V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}\) and \(V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\) sets were compared. Figure 14 shows this comparison.

Fig. 14
figure 14

The per-page comparison of the reference instances set \(V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}\) with the set of received instances \(V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\) (the top plot), and boxplots of precision (\({ Prec}_{p_k}\)), recall (\({ Rec}_{p_k}\)) and F-measure (\(F\hbox {-}{} { measure}_{p_k}\)) values in terms of median (the bottom plot)

Figure 14 (the top plot) shows the per-page comparison of the \(V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}\) set with the \(V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}\) set. This figure shows an almost perfect overlap between these two data sets. Due to this fact, the values of evaluation indicators are high. Moreover, the experiment shows that such value of parameters can be established that the algorithm can produce almost a perfect overlap, i.e. \(|V_{{ ref}_{p_{k}}}| \cong |V_{{ rec}_{p_{k}}}|\). Furthermore, Fig. 14 (the bottom plot) shows the boxplots of precision (\({ Prec}_{p_k}\)), Recall (\({ Rec}_{p_k}\)) and F-measure (\(F-{ measure}_{p_k}\)) values in terms of median. We may see that (1) almost all values of each indicator are nearly 1 and (2) there are few outlier points that increase the value of standard deviation (s).

5.4.2 The boosting mode

The author conducted two experiments for the boosting mode. Both experiments assumed two things: (1) we have the output results of the information extraction, and (2) we can set these results to the input of the BigGrams system.

In the first case, the author assumed that the BigGrams system can perfectly extract new values for each attribute \(a \in A\) of the taxonomy of seeds, i.e. the extracted values are semantically related with the attributes, e.g. the BigGrams system will retrieve only the new true names of actors for the \({ actor~names}\) attribute. The author called this experiment the perfect boosting. The author created seven taxonomies with different numbers of input seeds \(|V_{a}|\). Each taxonomy in each iteration was set as the input of the BigGrams system. Table 4 presents the results obtained in this experiment.

In the second case, the author assumed that the BigGrams system might extract the imperfect new values for each attribute \(a \in A\) of the taxonomy of seeds, i.e. the extracted values may not be semantically related with the attributes. For example, the BigGrams system will retrieve new false values, such as bmw, \(x~{ files}\) for the \({ actor~names}\) attribute. The author called this experiment as the non-perfect boosting. The author created three initial taxonomies with different numbers of input seeds \(|V_{a}|\). Each taxonomy in each iteration was extended by newly extracted instances, and they were set in the input of the BigGrams system. Table 5 presents the results obtained in this experiment.

The author used only the \({ filmweb.pl}\) domain to test, since this domain is constructed on a complex taxonomy of seeds (six different attributes) and it has a complex layout. The domain \({ agatameble.pl}\) has only one attribute, the \({ ptaki.info}\) has two attributes, but it also has a simple layout, and only twelve seeds are required to achieve the max value of the indicators. In the experiment, the author employed exactly the same configuration that was previously used in the batch mode and produced the best results.

Table 4 The results of the experiment: the perfect boosting

Table 4 presents results of the experiment where the perfect boosting was used. In this case, in each iteration, the BigGrams system created the valid sets of data input based on the output. Thus, the maximum values of indicators are achieved in the incremental fashion (after a maximum of 7 iterations). Furthermore, in each iteration each \(V_a\) set is extended by new instances and the indicators are increased.

Table 5 The results of the experiment: the non-perfect boosting

Table 5 presents the results of the experiment where the non-perfect boosting was used. As we can see, the values of indicators saturate too quickly, which is followed by their decrease after some iterations. It occurs because the generic pattern is created despite the separation of the film title attribute in the input attributes, such as polish film title and english film title. This pattern extracts both titles. As a result, in the next iteration, the algorithm loses the ability to create general patterns. The algorithm in each iteration keeps rediscovering the same information. In addition, the algorithm begins to emit noise (false values, the case 55 seeds). As a result, the algorithm cannot diversify the patterns or extract new seeds. The algorithm becomes overfitting and it fits the data overly. When the output data and the algorithm indicators (precision and recall) were reviewed, it was noted that the large values of recall (0.9–0.95) corresponded to lower values of precision (0.8–0.95). Thus, the algorithm extracts a new value not present in the reference set.

6 Conclusion

The most important findings of this work are as follows:

  • the empirical research shows that we can improve and achieve a high quality of the WI output results by using the described techniques,

  • the empirical research shows that the quality of information extraction depends on the (1) form of input data, (2) pre-processing domain’s web pages, (3) matching techniques, and (4) the level of HTML documents representation (the granularity of HTML tags),

  • the worst results are obtained when the HTML tags contain attributes and their values. In this case, the algorithm creates very detailed patterns with a low degree of generalization,

  • the best results are achieved when the proposed taxonomy approach is used as the input of the WI algorithm, and when the pre-processing technique clearing the values of HTML attributes, where the seeds are matched only between HTML tags, and if we use the tags level rather than the chars level representation of HTML documents. Thanks to this configuration, the WI created generic patterns covering the most of the expected instance,

  • if we can ensure well-diversified input data, the WI may be used in the boosting mode,

  • the weak assumption made about the fact that on the basis of seeds belonging to semantic classes patterns, that will extract new semantically consistent instances, will be created is useful, but it is also only partly right. Adoption of this assumption in the first iteration of the proposed algorithm produces good results,

  • the BigGrams system is suitable for extracting relevant keywords from Internet domains.

During the evaluation phase, the author received a set of new instances, which coincides with the set of reference instances. We should remember that the newly extracted instances have not been evaluated in terms of semantics. However, as shown by the following experiments based on boosting without verification of the semantic instance, the next iteration of the algorithm may worsen initial results. The created wrappers generate instances of different classes of semantics. For this reason, the author intends to add an automatic mechanism for defining the semantics of the new instances (Verification component). Experiments involving the perfect boosting yielded promising results.

The presented BigGrams system has achieved promising experimental results. It seems that the method still has some potential and allows further optimization. The algorithm still has four parameters (minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags, minNumberOfRightHtmlTags, supportConcept, supportInterConcept) that give an opportunity to control the results (precision, recall, F-measure). In the next optimization step of the algorithm, the author wants to reduce the numbers of these parameters or determine their values automatically. So far, the author conducted an experiment in this direction. The experiment confirmed that such algorithm can be constructed. The created initial model based only on the parameters minNumberOfLeftHtmlTags and minNumberOfRightHtmlTags is able to induce wrappers that for the most complex domain filmweb.pl give worse results for 5% F-measure. Also, this issue will be further researched and developed.