In urban-influenced areas, farmers face new opportunities and constraints that shape their farming styles. In this article, we investigate the impact of two planning strategies, Ontario’s Greenbelt, Canada, and Toulouse InterSCoT, France, on farmers’ investment and discuss the consistency of farmers’ strategies and territorial projects. A theoretical approach centered on J.R. Commons’ concept of Futurity is operationalized with mental modeling during 41 in-depth interviews with farmers. The results show that farming styles, which reflect farmers’ adaptation to their urban-influenced environment, stem in both jurisdictions from farmers’ values, attitudes, skills, and norms. The differences in investment decisions revealed in the respective planning strategies highlight that Ontario’s Greenbelt zoning is not sufficient to preserve urban-influenced farming, while in Toulouse InterSCoT, the viability of farmers’ projects depends on the alignment of farmers and other agricultural stakeholders’ representations of agriculture. The shared territorial vision of the agricultural landscape stemming from such an alignment may help mitigate potential conflicts while supporting farmers’ projects that contribute to this vision. The importance of a shared vision of the future supporting multifunctional agriculture emerged in both jurisdictions.
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Despite conceptual proximities, the concepts of amenities and ecosystem services are different; the overlapping of these concepts has not yet been investigated in depth (Schaeffer and Dissart 2018).
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In this article, we adopt the psychological perspective wherein psyche is understood as a landscape (Kaplan et al. 2017).
Although factors identified by farmers are connected by causality arrows, we preferred to not to use the term causal models given that the collected models resulted from the elicitation of farmers’ own perception of their farming projects. Hence, causal relationships on one map could conflict with causal relationships on other maps. In our opinion, this subjectivity is better captured through the term mental maps.
At the exception of a specialized and intensive tomato production unit with a land base of 10 ha.
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The authors would like to thank all the participants for their time and commitment. The MARSUPIA project was funded by the European’ Commission Research Executive Agency (Grant Marie Curie – IOF 622830).
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Appendix. Factors used for mental modeling
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Akimowicz, M., Képhaliacos, C., Landman, K. et al. Planning for the future? The emergence of shared visions for agriculture in the urban-influenced Ontario’s Greenbelt, Canada, and Toulouse InterSCoT, France. Reg Environ Change 20, 57 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-020-01635-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-020-01635-4