1 Cogn Tech Work (2006) DOI: 10.1007/s10111-006-0029-9

In the original publication, two additional references should have appeared in the reference list and their associated citations included in the text.

In Sect. 1.2, 4th sentence, a citation of Mazaeva and Bisantz (2003) should appear at the end of the sentence.

In Sect. 3.3, 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence, a citation of Mazaeva and Bisantz (2003) should appear at the end of the sentence.

In Sect. 3.3, 3rd paragraph, 7th sentence, a citation of Mazaeva and Bisantz (in press) should appear at the end of the sentence.

In Sect. 3.3., 3rd paragraph, 9th sentence, a citation of Mazaeva and Bisantz (in press) should appear at the end of the sentence.

The caption for Fig. 2 should read, “Fig. 2 General form of an abstraction hierarchy model (adapted from Mazaeva and Bisantz 2003)”.

The caption for Fig. 7 should read, “Fig. 7 AH model for bar coder device (format based on Mazaeva and Bisantz 2003)”.

The caption for Fig. 9 should read, “Fig. 9 AH automation model for bar coder action/configuration dialog (format based on Mazaeva and Bisantz 2003)”.

The following additional reference information should have been included in the references list:

Mazaeva N, Bisantz A (2003) Modeling automation with an abstraction hierarchy. In: Proceedings of the 47th annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica

Mazaeva N, Bisantz A (2006) On the representation of automation using a work domain analysis. Theor Issues Ergon Sci (in press)