This editorial presents an introduction to the 16th SDEWES conference special issue and to an extensive overview of all papers accepted to be published in Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy journal after rigorous review process. 16th SDEWES conference was held on 10–15 October 2021 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and it has brought together around 630 scientists, researchers, and experts in the field of sustainable development from 58 countries and 6 continents. In total, 675 oral presentations were presented, 13 special sessions and several side events were held, and the participants had the pleasure of listening to 7 invited lectures and 1 panel given by some of the most distinguished experts in the field. SDEWES conferences always focus on interdisciplinarity of sustainability issue allowing a wide range of topics. This presents an excellent opportunity for scientists from various research fields to discuss sustainability in a more holistic way. In general, SDEWES conferences cover various topics from the economic, engineering, environmental and social studies, to the studies which asses and measure the sustainability of energy, transport, water, environment and food production. In this year’s special issue, the following topics can be identified; energy transition, circular economy, sustainability assessments, sustainable electrification, energy policy and renewable energy sources. Considering scope and policy of high-quality research papers of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy journal, guest editors have invited 35 research articles, presented on the 16th SDEWES Conference in Dubrovnik and after vigorous review process, 12 papers have been accepted for publication within this special issue.

The Guest Editors of this SI section have the pleasure of thanking the international team of reviewers who dedicated a great deal of their time and efforts and the Editor-in-Chief of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy journal, Subhas K. Sikdar, for his support and advice.