Erratum to: Neurol Sci (2014) 35:867–873 DOI 10.1007/s10072-013-1615-2

The affiliation details of the co-authors were incorrect in the original publication of the article. The correct information is given below:

P. Cerrato

AOU “Molinette”, Turin, Italy

C. Serrati

AO “S. Martino”, Genoa, Italy

M. Del Sette

Neurology Unit, S. Andrea Hospital, Via Vittorio Veneto 197, 19124 La Spezia, Italy

A. Cavallini

UC Malattie Cerebrovascolari/Stroke Unit, IRCCS “C. Mondino”, Pavia, Italy

M. Diomedi

UOC Stroke Unit, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

S. Ricci

UO Neurologia, ASL 1 dell’Umbria Ospedale, Via Engels, 06012 Città di Castello (PG), Italy