We present a new version of the simulation software COBRAMM, a program package interfacing widely known commercial and academic software for molecular modeling. It allows a problem-driven tailoring of computational chemistry simulations with effortless ground and excited-state electronic structure computations. Calculations can be executed within a pure QM or combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) framework, bridging from the atomistic to the nanoscale. The user can perform all necessary steps to simulate ground state and photoreactions in vacuum, complex biopolymer, or solvent environments. Starting from ground-state optimization, reaction path computations, initial conditions sampling, spectroscopy simulation, and photodynamics with deactivation events, COBRAMM is designed to assist in characterization and analysis of complex molecular materials and their properties. Interpretation of recorded spectra range from steady-state to time-resolved measurements. Various tools help the user to set up the system of interest and analyze the results.
Note, that as Molcas does not create SS-CASPT2 wave functions, the overlaps are obtained using the SA-CASSCF wave functions and subsequently re-scaled with the factor (Ei,SA-CASSCF – Ej,SA-CASSCF)/(Ei,SS-PT2 – Ej,SS-PT2), which follows from the definition of the NAC. In the case of MS-CASPT2, the overlaps are computed using the wave functions resulting from the linear combination of the original CASSCF wavefunctions utilizing the eigenvectors obtained by diagonalizing the MS-CASPT2 Hamiltonian. See the SI for further details.
It should be noted at this point, that the new version of MOLCAS includes analytic derivative couplings for CASSCF wavefunctions.
- 2DES:
Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
- 2DUV:
Two-dimensional UV spectroscopy
- B3LYP:
Becke’s 3 parameter exchange in combination with Lee, Young and Parr correlation functional
- BChl:
Becke's half-and-half exchange in combination with LYP correlation functional
- BP:
- CAM:
Coulomb attenuated method
- CAS:
Complete active space
- CC:
Coupled cluster
Coupled cluster singles and doubles
- CHL:
- CI:
Configuration interaction
- CoIn:
Conical intersection
Coupled perturbed multiconfigurational SCF
- DFT:
Density functional theory
- EOM:
- FC:
- FNO:
Frozen natural orbitals
- Fs:
- HF:
- hMeOp:
Human melanopsin
Highest occupied molecular orbital
- HPC:
High-performance computing
- IR:
- IRC:
Intrinsic reaction coordinate
- ISC:
Intersystem crossing
- LMP2:
Local MP2
Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
- MD:
Molecular dynamics
- MEP:
Minimal energy path
- MM:
Molecular mechanics
Modified neglect of differential overlap (a semi-empirical method and a program package distributed by Thiel et al.)
- MP:
Moller–Plesset (e.g., MP2, MP4)
Multi-reference CI
- MS:
Multi state
- NAC:
Non-adiabatic coupling
Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
- NVE:
Microcanonical ensemble (constant number of particles, volume and energy)
- OMx:
Orthogonalization method X
- PCL:
- PCM:
Polarizable continuum model
- Ps:
- QM:
Quantum mechanics
- QY:
Quantum yield
- RAS:
Restricted active space
- Rh:
- SA:
- SCF:
Self-consist field
- SOS:
- SqRh:
Squid rhodopsin
- SS:
Single state
- ssPOR:
LPOR from Synechocystis sp.
- SVP:
Single zeta valence basis set including polarization functions
- TCL:
Tool command language
- TD:
- TDC:
Time-derivative coupling
Time-dependent Schrödinger equation
- THS:
Tully–Hammes–Schiffer (surface hopping scheme)
- TIP3P:
Three-site transferable intermolecular potential (MM water model)
- TS:
Transition state
- Urd:
- ZPE:
Zero-point energy
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The COBRAMM project was started by Piero Altoé and Marco Stenta under guidance of Marco Garavelli and Andrea Bottoni at the University of Bologna. The current development of COBRAMM is led by Marco Garavelli and his group in Bologna, in collaboration with Oliver Weingart, Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf. Major contributions to the code were provided by Piero Altoé, Marco Stenta, Oliver Weingart, Artur Nenov, Irina Dokukina, Ivan Rivalta, Javier Segarra-Martí, Emiliano Poli, and Salvatore F. Altavilla. We thank Baptiste Demoulin, Irene Conti, Ana Julieta Pepino and Mohsen El-Tahawy for extensive testing and help with debugging. We furthermore acknowledge the kind help of Francesco Aquilante when implementing certain options of the MOLCAS interface.
I.R. gratefully acknowledges the use of HPC resources of the "Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique" (PSMN) at the ENS-Lyon (France).
I.D. is grateful for financial support through "Strategischer Forschungsfonds" of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, project no. F 2013–442-9. J.S.M. acknowledges support from the European Commission through the Marie Curie actions (FP8-MSCA-IF, grant n° 747,662). I.R., M.G. and J.S.M thank the Agence National de la Recherche project FEMTO-2DNA (ANR-15-CE-29-0010).
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Weingart, O., Nenov, A., Altoè, P. et al. COBRAMM 2.0 — A software interface for tailoring molecular electronic structure calculations and running nanoscale (QM/MM) simulations. J Mol Model 24, 271 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00894-018-3769-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00894-018-3769-6