The two pillars of the modern scientific communication are Data Centers and Research Digital Libraries (RDLs), whose technologies and admin staff support researchers at storing, curating, sharing, and discovering the data and the publications they produce. Being realized to maintain and give access to the results of complementary phases of the scientific research process, such systems are poorly integrated with one another and generally do not rely on the strengths of the other. Today, such a gap hampers achieving the objectives of the modern scientific communication, that is, publishing, interlinking, and discovery of all outcomes of the research process, from the experimental and observational datasets to the final paper. In this work, we envision that instrumental to bridge the gap is the construction of “Scientific Communication Infrastructures”. The main goal of these infrastructures is to facilitate interoperability between Data Centers and RDLs and to provide services that simplify the implementation of the large variety of modern scientific communication patterns.
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The authors wish to thank Maria Bruna Baldacci who provided valuable advice to the writing of this paper. This work is partially supported by the European Commission as part of the project OpenAIREplus (FP7-INFRA-2011-2, Grant Agreement No. 283595).
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Castelli, D., Manghi, P. & Thanos, C. A vision towards Scientific Communication Infrastructures. Int J Digit Libr 13, 155–169 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-013-0106-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-013-0106-7