ICBIC16, July 22–26, 2013, is rapidly approaching, http://www.icbic16.com/. The SBIC Early Career Award Selection Committee is delighted to report that Oliver Einsle from the University of Freiburg has been selected as the 2013 SBIC Early Career Award winner. Congratulations! Professor Einsle will deliver his award talk at ICBIC16, along with Carsten Krebs from Pennsylvania State University, who is the 2012 SBIC Early Career Award winner.

SBIC offers Student Travel Grants for students presenting results at the ICBIC16 meeting in Grenoble (usually a poster presentation). The deadline for applications for the Student Travel Grants is April 15th, 2013; applications should be submitted by email to me. The requirements are on the SBIC website at http://www.sbichem.org/awards.php. Awards are made in a fixed amount of $500.

Alison Butler

SBIC President 2012–2014

Santa Barbara, CA

February 2013