Correction to: Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism (2023) 41:171–181

In the original publication of the article, the name of the institution was published incorrectly in the affiliation 3. The correct affiliation should read as “Section of Molecular Craniofacial Embryology and Oral Histology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Tokyo, Japan”.

Further, under the section “Abstract”, the term “C57BL6/N” was incorrectly published as “C56BL6/N” in the following sentence “We used C56BL6/N mice (n = 6) for the wild type (Control) and the three variant type mice (n = 6 each) …”. The correct sentence should read as follows “We used C57BL6/N mice (n = 6) for the wild type (Control) and the three variant type mice (n = 6 each)”.

Similarly, under the section “Materials and methods”, the term “C57BL6/N” was incorrectly published as “C56BL6/N” in the first sentence. The correct sentence should read as follows “Six 9-week-old male C57BL6/N background mice were used to measure the effect of splice variances”.

Finally, under the same section, the following code “#04284, # 30-023-023” was published incorrectly as “#04284, # 30-023-010”. The correct sentence should read as follows “All animal procedures were approved by the Gene Modification Experiments Safety Committee and Animal Experiment Committee of Osaka University, and were performed in accordance with the Animal Care Standards of Osaka University (#04284, # 30-023-023).”