As you will have obviously noticed, we have redesigned the cover of the Journal and have given it a “fresher” more artistic look. We hope you like it.

We have also devoted part of this issue to a specific topic: “DSM-V/ICD-11 and the Female Psyche: Quo Vadis?”

The impetus to our decision to openly address this issue were concerns raised by colleagues working in the field of women’s mental health as to the currently ongoing process for revising the DSM and ICD.

Based on past not-so-positive experiences (DSM-III, -III-R and -IV), scientists/clinicians/teachers wanted to make sure that decisions pertaining to female-specific issues will be less biased, less political and evidence-based as much as possible!

The Editorial Board decided that it might be prudent to invite some of the leaders in this field and ask them to share with us their thoughts/wish list of what they would like to see incorporated in the DSM-V/ICD-11 as it pertains to women’s mental health.

We received 14 responses published here which we hope will convey the sense of urgency that we in the trenches of women’s mental health care are experiencing. We subsequently also invited two commentaries from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean which further highlight the problem. We wish to thank all the contributors for their time and thoughtful remarks.

We hope that this publication will evoke responses from others in the field and invite you to send us your own thoughts. We will also make sure that this issue of the Journal will reach members of both the DSM and ICD task forces.

Yours faithfully,

Meir Steiner
