Erratum to: Amino Acids DOI 10.1007/s00726-015-2061-7

In the original publication of the article, Fig. 1 and Acknowledgments were wrongly published. The correct Fig. 1 and acknowledgments are given below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Glutaminase II (a) and asparaginase II (b) pathways. Note the central importance of ω-amidase in hydrolyzing the α-keto acids derived from transamination of both l-glutamine (i.e., α-ketoglutaramate, KGM) and l-asparagine (α-ketosuccinamate, KSM). Gln Ts glutamine transaminases, Asn Ts asparagine transaminases

Acknowledgments This study was supported by Russian Ministry of Science and Education (Grant No. 14.604.21.0116 awarded to BFK). The unique identification number of applied scientific research is RFMEFI60414X0116.