Correction to: Theor Appl Climatol

In the original article, the last panel of Fig. 10 should be labeled “h”. Also some data and Table 2 caption were unfortunately incorrect.

The corrections are as follows:

Paragraph 3.2.4, lines 27-30, “Average and maximum over-lake DJF rainfall amounts are, respectively, 0.44 mm/day and 1.3 mm/day in WRF_Lake and are, respectively increased by 0.14 mm/day (47%)” should read “Average and maximum over-lake DJF rainfall amounts are, respectively, 0.95 mm/day and 1.3 mm/day in WRF_Lake and are, respectively increased by 0.7 mm/day (280%)”.

Conclusion, line 47, “Average rainfall amounts are increased by 47% over the lake in winter” should read “Average rainfall amounts are increased by 280% over the lake in winter”.

Absolute values are given in Table 2 which caption should read “Absolute mean differences (LE, see eq. 02 for computation) and inter-member standard deviation of the differences (SD, see eq. 03 for computation) in the simulated near-surface air temperatures (T2m), sensible heat flux (SH), latent heat flux (LH), outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR), Moisture flux (QFX), Rainfall (mm/day) and wind speed (m/s) averaged over the study period (1992-2011) and over the lake pixels.

The original article has been corrected.