Plant Systematics and Evolution (PSE) has a long and distinguished history. The journal was founded in 1851 as the “Österreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt” by A. Skofitz and continued as the “Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift” (1858–1973). From 1974 onwards, its scope became more international and the journal was renamed “Plant Systematics and Evolution (PSE).” Over the years, its Editors-in-Chief have included the respected botanists Richard v. Wettstein, Erich Janchen, Fritz Knoll, Lothar Geitler and, more recently, Friedrich Ehrendorfer and Frank Hellwig.

Our new cover design coincides with a change in the Editor-in-Chief position. The New Editors in Chief—working as a team of three—will ensure the journal has the expertise needed to cope with the increasing complexity in the field of plant systematics and evolution. The editorial board has now been extended and new managing editors will take over responsibility for improving the review process and for guaranteeing the scientific quality of submitted contributions. Several outstanding researchers will serve as new PSE associate editors and pending negotiations, additional experts will join in the near future. All the steps undertaken mirror our vision of establishing PSE among the leading botanical journals.

The revamped PSE aims to better reflect recent technical advances that are rapidly changing the field of plant systematics. As such, in addition to our traditional accent on molecular plant systematics and phylogenetics, anatomy, population genetics, plant development and ecology, reproductive biology, paleobotany and karyology, we invite contributions on plant genome evolution, comparative and evolutionary genomics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics and related topics. The journal will now also accept submissions studying related questions in fungi and lichen, as we believe that the same fundamental questions in algae and land plants also apply to these organisms. We do not encourage purely descriptive submissions of genetic diversity, ultrastructure, reproductive biology or ontogeny. Data gained by such studies should always be put into a broader context with appropriate insights (including meaningful sampling, several related taxa, comparison to other markers etc.) on systematic and evolutionary questions. The same applies for contributions on crop plants, which should have a clear evolutionary/systematic message. We recommend submitting contributions concerning marker development, single species descriptions (unless the importance is justified), or studies of local or regional relevance to more specialized journals. We do not encourage the submission of phylogenetic studies that are based on single markers or rely on outdated techniques.

The accessibility of data is increasingly important as datasets become widely shared and re-used. We therefore encourage authors to prepare supplementary material and to use public databases to make this information available.

High-quality illustrations are key to convey the information of most papers, and we suggest investing sufficient time and energy in their preparation. Consequently, color reproduction is free of charge in our journal, both online and in print.

We look forward to your contributions!