Glitches are sudden spin-up events that interrupt the gradual spin-down of rotating neutron stars. They are believed to arise from the rapid unpinning of vortices in the neutron star inner crust. The analogy between the inner crust of neutron stars and dipolar supersolids allows to investigate glitches. Employing such analogy, we numerically analyze the vortex trapping mechanism and how the matter density distribution influences glitches. These results pave the way for the quantum simulation of celestial bodies in laboratories.
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This study received support from the European Research Council through the Advanced Grant DyMETEr (No. 101054500), the QuantERA Grant MAQS by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (No. I4391-N), the DFG/FWF via Dipolare E2 (No. I4317-N36) and a joint-project Grant from the FWF (No. I4426). EP acknowledges support by the FWF within the DK-ALM (No. W1259-N27). TB acknowledges financial support by the ESQ Discovery programme (Erwin Schrödinger Center for Quantum Science & Technology), hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
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Bland, T., Ferlaino, F., Mannarelli, M. et al. Exploring Pulsar Glitches with Dipolar Supersolids. Few-Body Syst 65, 81 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00601-024-01949-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00601-024-01949-7