Shrub willows (Salix spp.) form associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM), ectomycorrhizal (EM) and dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungi. Willow root colonization by these three types of fungi was studied on a deglaciated forefront of Lyman Glacier, Washington, USA. Root colonization was low; less than 1% of the root length was colonized by AM and 25.6% by DSE. EM colonized 25% of the root tips and 19.4% of the root length. AM and DSE colonization were not related to distance from the present glacier terminus or to canopy cover. EM colonization increased with distance from the glacier terminus based on gridline intercept data but not on root tip frequency data. Availability of propagules in the substrate was low, but numbers of propagules increased with distance from the glacier terminus. The EM communities were dominated by three ascomycetes showing affinity to Sordariaceae in BLAST analyses. Other frequent taxa on the glacier forefront included species of Cortinariaceae, Pezizaceae, Russulaceae, Thelephoraceae and Tricholomataceae. When occurrence of individual taxa was used as a response variable to canopy cover, distance from the glacier terminus, and their interaction, four different fungal guilds were identified: 1) fungi that did not respond to these environmental variables; 2) fungi that occurred mainly in intercanopy areas and decreased with distance from the glacier terminus; 3) fungi that were insensitive to canopy cover but increased with distance from the glacier terminus; 4) fungi that occurred mainly under willow canopies and increased with distance from the glacier terminus. We suggest that fungal colonization is mainly limited by fungal propagule availability. Environmental conditions may also limit successful establishment of plant-fungus associations. We propose that the four EM guilds partly explain successional dynamics. The initial EM community comprises fungi that tolerate low organic matter and nitrogen environment (first and second guilds above). During later community development, these fungi are replaced by those that benefit from an increased organic matter and nitrogen environment (third and fourth guilds above).
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This work was supported by National Science Foundation EPSCoR Grant No. 9874732 with matching support from the State of Kansas and National Science Foundation OPP Grant No. 0221489. We are grateful to Nicolo Gentili, Francesco Gentili, Anna Jumpponen and Dr. James M. Trappe, who assisted in sample collection and data recording at the field site. Early manuscripts were greatly improved by helpful comments from two anonymous reviewers, Drs. Charles L. Kramer, and James M. Trappe. Anna Jumpponen edited and revised the manuscript.
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Trowbridge, J., Jumpponen, A. Fungal colonization of shrub willow roots at the forefront of a receding glacier. Mycorrhiza 14, 283–293 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-003-0264-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-003-0264-3