Erratum to: J Gastroenterol (2015) 50:1069–1077 DOI 10.1007/s00535-015-1056-1

Please note that there are errors in the original article:

In the paragraph with the heading “Association between spontaneous HCV clearance and the number of TA repeats in the African-American samples” in the Results section (p. 1073), the expression shown as “(20.0 vs. 60.9 %…)” in the third sentence should read “(20.0 vs. 59.4 %…)”. The sentence should read as follows:

“The rate of spontaneous clearance was significantly lower for persons in whom the TA repeats of both alleles were ten or shorter compared to those with no allele of ten or shorter (20.0 vs. 59.4 %, p = 0.001) and compared to those with at least one allele 11 or longer (20.0 vs. 53.6 %, p = 0.004).”

Similarly, in the last sentence of the legend for Fig. 2, 60.9 %. should be 59.4 %. The sentence should read as follows:

“The rate of spontaneous clearance was significantly lower for 10/10 (20.0 %) than for 11/11 (59.4 %) or the combined group of 11/11 and 10/11 (53.6 %).”