The use of genetic algorithms in geophysical inverse problems is a relatively recent development and offers many advantages in dealing with the non-linearity inherent in such applications. We have implemented a genetic algorithm to efficiently invert a set of gravity data. Employing several fixed density contrasts, this algorithm determines the geometry of the sources of the anomaly gravity field in a 3-D context. The genetic algorithms, based on Darwin’s theory of evolution, seek the optimum solution from an initial population of models, working with a set of parameters by means of modifications in successive iterations or generations. This searching method traditionally consists of three operators (selection, crossover and mutation) acting on each generation, but we have added a further one, which smoothes the obtained models. In this way, we have designed an efficient inversion gravity method, confirmed by both a synthetic example and a real data set from the island of Fuerteventura. In the latter case, we identify crustal structures related to the origin and evolution of the island. The results show a clear correlation between the sources of gravity field in the model and the three volcanic complexes recognized in Fuerteventura by other geological studies.
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This study was funded by the Spanish Projects: REN2001-2271/RIES (Plan Nacional I+D, MCYT), REN2002-00544/RIES (Plan Nacional I+D, MCYT). One of the authors (J. Arnoso) is supported by the program I3Pof the European Social Fund.
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Montesinos, F.G., Arnoso, J. & Vieira, R. Using a genetic algorithm for 3-D inversion of gravity data in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 94, 301–316 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-005-0471-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-005-0471-6