A fossil geothermal area is hosted by the Carboniferous, Permian and Bunter sandstones of the Offenburg intramontane trough in the central Black Forest. The hydrothermal alteration is identified on the basis of newly formed sericites, which appear as pseudomorphs after feldspar and filling of pore spaces. According to K–Ar dating of sericite, serititization occurred about 145 Ma ago (Jurassic). On the basis of δ18O analyses of sericite, sericite composition and vitrinite reflectance, the hydrothermal fluids had temperatures of 150–210 °C. Because their electrolyte content was low, these fluids are assumed to have derived from meteoric water. A second pulse of electrolyte-rich hydrothermal fluids resulted in quartz overgrowths. Fluid mobilization seems to be linked to the disintegration of Pangaea and to reactivated fault systems extending from the crystalline basement into the intramontane sediments.
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A. Schlegel assisted sampling in the Offenburg trough. Chemical analyses of the rock samples were performed by C. Reinl for her Dr. rer. nat. dissertation. We gratefully acknowledge δ18O determinations by S. Hoernes, and vitrinite reflectance measurements by T. Wagner. The paper benefited from fluid-inclusion studies of U. Hünken on samples from the Baden-Baden trough. The efforts and comments of the reviewer R. Altherr are appreciated. We wish to express our thanks to all persons who contributed to our investigations.
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Brockamp, O., Clauer, N. & Zuther, M. Authigenic sericite record of a fossil geothermal system: the Offenburg trough, central Black Forest, Germany. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 92, 843–851 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-003-0368-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-003-0368-1