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Can deep learning solve a preschool image understanding problem?

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Neural Computing and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Automatic assessment of learning is a process where the computer system automatically generates test items and evaluates the responses. Image is one of the major media to assess learning capabilities. In this article, we have proposed a system with a dataset containing images used to evaluate the kid’s ability to answer pictorial questions. The system tests a set of skills such as counting ability, color concept, and knowledge of objects and geometric shapes. It utilized a pipeline of RCNN and LSTM bridging with an object knowledge layer for generating question–answer pairs and achieved promising results. We benchmarked our dataset with state-of-the-art deep learning methods and assessed the performance of generating question–answer pairs from a given image. The source code and the dataset are available at (will be publicly opened after the acceptance of the manuscript).

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Fig. 10

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Das, B., Sekh, A.A., Majumder, M. et al. Can deep learning solve a preschool image understanding problem?. Neural Comput & Applic 33, 14401–14411 (2021).

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