Correction to: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Unfortunately, the fifth and seventh pages of this article's original edition included data errors. With this correction, the incorrect texts have been fixed.

1. Page 5: “the number of drought months with SPEI between 0 and –1 (D0,–1), –1 and –2 (D–1,–2) and –2 and –3 (D–2,–3)” Please correct: D0,–1 as D0,–1; D–1,–2 as D–1,–2; D–2,–3 as D–2,–3

2. Page 5: “The best silhouette score values, higher than 0.4 for all the three clustering algorithms, were obtained for a number of clusters equal to 5 and assuming seven of the eleven parameters initially considered as input variables: SPEI6,Min, SPEI6,Max, D0,–1, D– –1, –2, D– –2, –3, DEMean and DEMax.” Also here please correct: D0,–1 as D0,–1; D– –1,–2 as D–1,–2; D– –2,–3 as D–2,–3.

3. Page 7: “2.3.1 C5: SPEI-15, SPEI-14, …, SVPEI-1” This sentence is incorrect and also is not the title of a subsection. It is part of the text in the Sect. 2.3, following “C4: SPEI–13, SPEI-12, …, SPEI-1”. Please correct as: C5: SPEI–15, SPEI-14, …, SPEI-1.

4. As a consequence please correct the subsequent subsection number: from “2.3.2 Support Vector Regression (SVR)” to “2.3.1 Support Vector Regression (SVR)”; from “2.3.3 M5P” to “2.3.2 M5P”; from “2.3.4 Hybrid Model M5P-SVR based on the Stacking algorithm” to “2.3.2 Hybrid Model M5P-SVR based on the Stacking algorithm”.

The original article has been corrected.