Dear Colleagues,

We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you for the continued support of Pediatric Nephrology. The Journal is evolving and we would like to use this opportunity to share with you some changes that will be occurring in the Journal. First, in this issue is an education feature which is a review article of general clinical interest followed by self assessment questions. We hope to publish one or two of these articles every issue. This effort is the result of the hard work of our educational editors, Robert Mak, Howard Trachtman and Willem Proesmans as well as the authors and reviewers of these manuscripts. Second, the number of excellent submissions is increasing every year. Because of page constraints and our goal to publish as many articles and reviews as possible, we will no longer be able to publish Letters to the Editors.

We wish you and your families well and hope you continue to enjoy Pediatric Nephrology.


Otto Mehls and Michel Baum,
